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  1. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

    That's the good thing about spring time fires. The water is usually high enough to protect the swamps. Summer time is a different story. The exposed roots don't stand a chance and takes a lifetime to recover if it ever does at all
  2. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

    Doesn't look burnt there. Must have been wet enough to keep it out of the swamp
  3. smoke_jumper

    Consuming pine pollen

    The pines stopped here about 2 weeks ago but untl the rain a couple of days ago every time I drive down my street I would kick up a cloud of dust and you could see my tire marks in the pollen on the street.
  4. smoke_jumper

    My First Rattle Snake

    I was thinking the same thing. A snake that size would have a large rattle. A loud hissing sound would sound a lot like a rattle. I'm sure over years of evolution Pine snakes use that confusion to their advantage. If it looks like a rattle snake, acts like a rattlesnake and sounds like one then...
  5. smoke_jumper

    Study: Fire suppression has killed Wisconsin's pine barrens

    I agree some what. Fire suppression is just one factor that kills the pine barrens. Urban sprawl is just as much to blame If not more. Large tracks are clear cut and developed whether it's commercial or residential. What's left is small parcels that are left to be "green acres" that can't...
  6. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

    Don't know the name of it but it looks like the one on Atsion Rd next to the fields.
  7. smoke_jumper

    Forest Fire at Atsion

    Looks close to the surface so it should just grow out as it heals. The only ones I have that didn't involved deep cuts. I would still try to clean it out as unpleasant as it is.
  8. smoke_jumper

    Eyes bigger than his stomach

    Wait, how was he caught? Was that the bait or was he still hungry?
  9. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

    I was thinking Rosedale in Waterford but I think you're right about Chatsworth. I know I've driven past it a million times just can't place it.
  10. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

  11. smoke_jumper

    Consuming pine pollen

    Yes I have noticed it. It seems it's at its worst right after a good rain too.
  12. smoke_jumper

    Consuming pine pollen

    It happens here every years here. When the pines let the pollen go it usually lasts about a week. We usually close up the house to keep it out. This year is worse then normal because we have had no rain to wash it away.
  13. smoke_jumper

    Forest Fire at Atsion

    I love seeing how fast they recover. The pines recover very fast from fire. I used to keep an eye on tracts that we would control burn in the winter and see how it looked through the summer. It was always greener then the other side that wasn't
  14. smoke_jumper

    Forest Fire at Atsion

    The fire did burn past the stone bridge on Quaker Bridge Rd. I drove down and everything was burnt right after the bridge to the next rd which connects to stokes rd and followed that back to Hampton Rd. I didn't think it went down that far at first.
  15. smoke_jumper

    What is this sound? Frog? Bird?

    My grill buddy
  16. smoke_jumper

    What is this sound? Frog? Bird?

    I have them all over here. When my windows are open here I can't even hear the tv between them and the spring peepers. But I would want it any other way
  17. smoke_jumper

    What is this sound? Frog? Bird?

    Sounds like a gray tree frog to me.