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  1. harlequinhawk

    Hessian Island and a marker near by with initials JB

    Ok I guess my attached photo didn't go thru? If you can Bob please do share and thank you.
  2. harlequinhawk

    Hessian Island and a marker near by with initials JB

    Hello there, Has anyone heard of a story about the Hessian soldiers robbing the old stage that ran through Ocean County and retreating to an island in Cassville/Jackson? I also am wondering if anyone has ever photographed a marker of Joseph D. Beers who purchased 25000 plus acres in the pines...
  3. harlequinhawk

    Jumping Brook Preserve

    Bob I think you went out there with my friend Mark? Well I was telling him about the place awhile ago. Its interesting birding. Not many resident birds but migration season is always a wild card. I've photographed two sandhill cranes on the back pond, bald eagle fly overs, hooded mergansers on...
  4. harlequinhawk there anybody in there

    They wont do anything I've met with two different directors onsite of the property. I'm saving up for a lawyer. IF anyone has any questions about the site or needs a guide let me know. I love to show people the property.
  5. harlequinhawk there anybody in there

    The organization that I founded created that map not the township. And that property is open to the public as it was purchased with Green Acres money.
  6. harlequinhawk there anybody in there

    By the way I have years of photos showing the trail erosion and destruction. And email after email to authorities over this property which my great grandparents lived for a period of time in a shack with no electric ages ago. I was waiting for Gov Murphy to bring back the Public Advocate...
  7. harlequinhawk there anybody in there

    Hello all, This property is near and dear to my heart. I've been whining to anyone that will listen about the deplorable state it is in. Below is my last attempt in an email to the state. Sorry I'm late to the conversation but a friend mentioned folks were asking about the property in my...
  8. harlequinhawk

    The Kenneth H. Francis Memorial Kayak & Canoe Race/Tour on Sunday November 1st, 2009

    I believe Plumsted Township is the most Northern municipality of the Pinelands. So I thought it would be ok to post some information about our upcoming Fall Festival & Kayak race on Crosswicks Creek. The Kayak race/tour will start at 8 a.m. and go to 11 a.m. It is going to be an...