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  1. kingofthepines

    Deer fight?

    Usually you will hear more snorting and whistling than antlers crashing. Fights rarely last more than a few minutes however equal combatants will return to the pit several times if necessary. It is very early for this behavior, it is technically still summer and antlers are still a bit soft. The...
  2. kingofthepines

    Sunrise at 1/4 Mile Road

    People, don't let frustration ruin a good thread. Bushwhacking is never acceptable but closing down access to vehicles isnt the answer either. There are folks who can not enjoy the pines in any other manner than by vehicle.
  3. kingofthepines

    Sunrise at 1/4 Mile Road

    How 'bout a little fire scarecrow? Speaking of smoke grass, many froggies and the like become crispy critters when the state does their annual controlled burns? I would think they would appreciate it if you could put a stop to that practice. I would bet fire kills more kermits than...
  4. kingofthepines

    Sunrise at 1/4 Mile Road

    thanks man
  5. kingofthepines

    Hunt for scarce bobwhites may be off in New Jersey

    I think this has been tried and one of the problems is that pen raised hens will not sit on the nest to incubate the eggs. The state is looking at either importing wild birds which is expensive, or volunteers to sit on eggs.
  6. kingofthepines

    1950's campground

    good to read this old thread again. I feel somewhat validated. The tower still bothers me. Perhaps it was a water tower for the rail line? Time has a weird affect on memory. Maybe in another 3 years I'll remember exactly what he said. Maybe it was one of Gen Washingtons watch towers? Yeah thats...
  7. kingofthepines

    Off Roading!!!!

    Is there a question in there?
  8. kingofthepines

    Destruction at Mount
  9. kingofthepines

    unnecessary pollution

    Give me a break. 50% of the worlds population don't even have running water. Yeah we really suck..
  10. kingofthepines

    Two Wheelin In The Pines ?

    I did it today..twice actually..up and down and never spun a tire. Taller tires offer that luxury. It is rutted out. About the only time its not is during the summer droughts.
  11. kingofthepines

    Two Wheelin In The Pines ?

    common sense and no four wheel drive will get you much farther than four wheel drive and no common sense.
  12. kingofthepines

    The Pine Borings

  13. kingofthepines

    Sign of springtime?

    its booty time. the rut is on.
  14. kingofthepines

    Why is every road

    I have a few photos of the memorial here. The foreman was correct that four volunteers died near the intersection of Oswego Rd and Allen Rd, but the actual memorial is miles south of there. The Bass River Memorial honors wildland firefighters who died on different incidents. It was originally...
  15. kingofthepines

    game camera success

    thats cool. keep it up. no success with my camera yet.
  16. kingofthepines

    Destruction at Mount

    x2 at that location and a whole bunch of other places as well.
  17. kingofthepines

    The 'Big One' may be on the way....

    It was January 7-8 '96. My wife was due with our daughter. When the neighbors saw the two of us shoveling like a mofo towards the main road they all jumped in. The idea of giving birth at the house was a real possibility. I was finally able to bribe a fire truck to drop his plow and make a...
  18. kingofthepines

    Wildlife web cam.

    couple of fatties right now..