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  1. kingofthepines

    Body found off of Carranza Road today
  2. kingofthepines

    Ahi Tuna

    where was buddy when you needed him. :)
  3. kingofthepines

    what is this from

    chicken beak?
  4. kingofthepines

    Pine Barrens Clean up Oct 26th.

    it was addressed but I don't know if there has been any followup. They would need experienced trail leaders up that way...
  5. kingofthepines

    'It seemed to be a body from WWII'

    he may have died on the ground and has been elevated by the tree for the last 62 years.
  6. kingofthepines

    Great John Mathis

    I stumbled upon a photo of a marker I found a few years ago. I was curious about the name on it. Was it Math Is, (island) or Mathis.. Some nice history.
  7. kingofthepines

    Wharton Wheeling

    I haven't been thru in years but people go through it every weekend. If you try to follow someone like this the results are predictable. Thats me between the blonde and the brunette. :0
  8. kingofthepines

    Wharton Wheeling

    You are correct that the hole is deep. Up ahead on the northeast trail lies the whale pond. You would have had to turn around anyway.
  9. kingofthepines

    Ft. Dix Bomark Site information....

    I may have posted this before.
  10. kingofthepines

    airport lake

    Correct. Now three townships are sharing the space. Hopewell, Ewing and Lawrence. I landed there as a kid many moons ago thinking for sure we were crashing. I mean who ever heard of a grass landing strip. It just looked like a field to me.
  11. kingofthepines

    airport lake

    Plus the insurance on the place went from 250K per year to 2.5 mil per year or some rediculous amount, which is the real reason it folded.
  12. kingofthepines

    Why can't I lose this gut?

  13. kingofthepines

    Introduction and a few newbie questions.

    park @ oswego and hoof it from there. much safer.
  14. kingofthepines

    Recreation in the Pines... My thoughts

    thanks for the link. I havent laughed that hard in 6 months.
  15. kingofthepines

    Deadly Traps in Wharton SF

    more fuel for the fire