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  1. Stu

    Pine Barrens Book/CD Signing at the Sweetwater Casino

    I have to show up a bit early so I'll be there 12-12:30ish.
  2. Stu

    Anyone else get much sleep last night?

    Not I. Stupid sump pump must've gone off every 5 minutes, and lucky me, it's under the master bedroom. I ended up sleeping in the living room. Got maybe 3 hours total.
  3. Stu

    "Where are the Pine Barrens?"

    I was wondering for a while where the closest library is. Found out 2 weeks ago it's on the 2nd floor of the PNC bank in town. I kid you not.
  4. Stu

    "Where are the Pine Barrens?"

    Talking about that today made me realized just how homesick I am. If there was anything affordable I'd surely come back, though not necessarily back to the Toms River area. Maybe once I finish a degree or two...
  5. Stu

    "Where are the Pine Barrens?"

    The subject of my next book signing came up at work (Lines on the Pines), so I told a coworker it was in Sweetwater. She didn't know where that was, so I then said it's in the Pine Barrens. "What's that?" What? So then I said, "You know, where the Jersey Devil's from." "What's that...
  6. Stu

    Bayville doesn't know what land to save

    Varano can't even keep up on his town's parking permits (a huge reason as to why I'm glad I'm no longer in Bayville), you really think he knows how or what to preserve?
  7. Stu

    Nudist Colony in Whiting

    I tried doing a search for this but came up practically empty. I had heard about this a few years when I was out, dare I say it, geocaching. I was at Harry Wright Lake and somebody wrote something in the log about the nearby ruins being from a nudist colony. I didn't see the ruins and figured...
  8. Stu

    White Deer

    I saw a melanistic squirrel in the woods by Parkway ramp 88 once. Its fur was pretty shaggy. Looked like a lil' sasquatch hopping from tree to tree.
  9. Stu

    Ghost Hunters In Burlco

    I wonder if they "found" anything. I know people did die there, but don't people die just about everywhere? I liked this prison because there are a few tricks set up. Some cell blocks play sounds when you walk down them. It caught me off guard the first time I went.
  10. Stu

    Snow storms are mythical things...

    We're at about 4 inches right now and it ain't slowing down. I'm considering it a snow day from work. :guinness:
  11. Stu

    New Jersey: 3rd most popular state to leave

    That's how I feel too. Seaside was always 3 miles away from me for 25 years. I didn't go very much but I still miss it. Lately I really, really miss Berkeley Island and especially Ocean Gate's boardwalk. I've only ever known bays & oceans; this whole lake & stream thing's taking some getting...
  12. Stu

    New Jersey: 3rd most popular state to leave

    I love it up around the Water Gap. That was one place I was initially looking at, but it's still out of my range for now. Maybe in a few years.
  13. Stu

    New Jersey: 3rd most popular state to leave

    I didn't know until I ran away to Elkton last year that Maryland was considered the North. We were walking around Antietam Cemetery and saw Maryland soldiers buried alongside PA, NY, NJ, etc. A few signs mentioned they were part of the Union.
  14. Stu

    New Jersey: 3rd most popular state to leave

    Not everyone who left did so because they wanted to.
  15. Stu

    Environmental Remediation Services

    Too bad they can't proofread.
  16. Stu

    White Stags in Scotland

    And here I thought they only guarded washed out Pine Barrens bridges. :v:
  17. Stu

    Environmental Remediation Services

    At least this one's somewhat proofread. His other post is atrocious :rolleyes:
  18. Stu


    Today, 4-5 inches. Now sleeting.
  19. Stu

    Environmental Hazardous Waste Services

    "Kevin" and "John" pose the questions, and this "Matthew" guy just so happens to sign up right afterward and also has the answers. Notice the links in his signature and profile. I'm sure someone will miraculously have the answers for "Kevin" as well. Interesting way to spam, albeit one that...