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    GPS Purchase

    i have found on my 60 cs and a friend of mine has also found on his 60csx that the altimater and electronic leave alot to be desired, both need to be recalibrated frequently i do not trust the e-compus because i have compared i to a good needle type often and that has given me reason to...
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    Things that shouldn't be done in the Pines.

    i do alot of hiking in the woods and i get tired of seeing deer gutts and other deer parts laying all over, it is disgusting. to me it is no different that dumping trash. it seems it would be reasonable to dig a hole and bury it, the ground is not that frozen
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    Sharp's MTN

    dang caches are everywhere ! ain't no place safe :rolleyes:
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    Weird electronic mishaps in the pines

    wow, i finaly got my "molecuar disturbance tributilater" to work, i was testing it in the pines the other day, but i forgot where i transported my dog to ?:cry:
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    GPS Purchase

    good choice, i use a garmin 60cs with topo and US roads and recreation i find US roads and recreation the best for use in the pines, little more info and no topo detail i don't realy need, but i can switch between them on the fly
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    Weird New Jersey = Dumb Daughter

    good thing she is 17 and not 18 i went through the same thing when my kids were around the same age, now those days are past and they are now responsible, i think ? have a :guinness: things will get better
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    First Trip of Season

    yes i got a tick on me hiking from Batsto to evans bridge yesterday, there everywhere, they got us surrounded
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    Sharp's MTN

    i have been trying for over an hour to fine it mself, it was on the web site under maps, i finally gave up. it has been posted on this website before maybe Teegate can chase it down sharps mountian n39 48.100 w074 48.640 when we go back on that side we enter on the dirt just...
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    Sharp's MTN

    i have hiked that area and stood on the peak. lol. not far from that area there are large bog iron diggings, maybe there is some connection ? also a 1836 ? map of nj showes a mill or manufactury/forge close to that area as i remember
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    spring hill

    yep i see them they remind me of.......well. i also see cedar creek, i kayak that quite frequently, the best part is the section from dover cranberry bog to the old girl scout camp, sort of challange, but fun, you got a kayak ?
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    drinking that stuff will give you real bad dreams !!!:jd: :guinness:
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    Noah's Ark

    if it is a natural event hopefully it will balance out in the enviorment and the fungus will dissapear, if it is something caused by man the damage maybe perminate
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    spring hill

    a bunch of us form the Out Door Club of SJ did a 10 mile loop from "Lake Oswego" and back two of us left the group to visit the snow covered peaks of "spring hill' a little bush wacking and following a boundry line cut and there it was "spring hill' just a spot in the woods LOL, so being in...
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    Archaeology Arena!

    real privvy-diggers always carry "sodium phosphosphate" and have lots of water availble:eek:
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    Interesting find.

    gee, i wonder who's oil co. was close to Richter rd. LOL "Noble Oil"
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    we got plenty of pigeons in mt laurel, i put out bird feed on the pattio it doesn't take long for them to show up about five years ago we were camping in Letchworth sp in up state ny. i climbed through the fence (bad me) walked over to the gorge edge for a look and sat there for a while much...
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    Mountain Man

    "very stout" women would only do for "mountian men" LOL
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    $75M sought to fix state parks

    pick old berrie picker you i did too on retreat road, we used a battery operated vibrator, something like an impact gun with a pull around batt cart that shook the lower branches and the ripe berries would fall into a big basket we got paid GOOD and i mean GOOD, we made...
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    $75M sought to fix state parks

    i hope if they get the money it will be well spent (not for political pay backs) like $500,000, one stall poddys
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    1859 map of Florence

    i have been in Griffin pipe several times to work (being punshed) the place is sort of a dump, the building i was working in had an partly open wall (missing bricks) and trees growing inside, maintance dept, LOL some of the building were very old at least as i can tell turn of the century or...