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  1. njvike


    Ben - Thanks. Case closed.
  2. njvike

    info [Gordon's Gazetteer]

    Thanks Renee :D
  3. njvike


    I still need closure about Harris Station. Guy, last week I was traveling the road from the grave of Charles Willis to Apple Pie Hill when I crossed the CNJ tracks about a 1/2 mile, or less, from Apple Pie Hill. According to the Delorme (sp?) this puts Harris station right there. Other...
  4. njvike

    info [Gordon's Gazetteer]

    Is this book still in print? I tried to find one at I'll give Barnes & Noble a try.
  5. njvike

    Forked River Mountains

    Barry, Sorry, but I don't remember the exact directions but I do remember that a car won't work in that area. Remember that kid with the two wheel drive truck that got stuck? Ken
  6. njvike

    Ranks of the members

    What about the oral, written and driving tests :)
  7. njvike

    Carranza Memorial in wraps

    Well, I was at Carranza on Friday evening and guess who was driving around? State Ranger. Unfortunately, they were too late but hopfully tha vandals will be caught. Anyone have an idea if they can even repair the monument before the event?
  8. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    How about getting back on track? Sorry I couldn't resist :lol: Speaking of wreck, where was that photo taken?
  9. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    Me a religious leader? Nah, it will never fly ;-)
  10. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    I believe if you make an error, you can edit the message and post it again. I don't know if there's a certain amount of time you have but I have done it in the past. Ben?
  11. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    We have also felt this in the IT area as more jobs have been outsourced overseas to India. As for those cops, shame on them. I was listening to WABC this morning about a woman who spotted to Iranians taking pictures in the NYC subway. When she notified the authorities, they informed her that...
  12. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    Ben, your sig.file "has for your Expedition" I would like one Boss 429 engine and a nitrous oxide kit. Do you accept Pay Pal :D
  13. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    I never leave home without it. As more and more McMansions are built for Nimbys, it' only a matter of time before there are no pines or farms are left.
  14. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    There was always a larger presence in Bradley Beach. At least that is what I remember when visiting there in the 70s. Belmar always had a large Guido presence in the summer :lol: I almost fell there once as the floors inside were greasy. Must have been those Northern NJ or Staten Island folks.
  15. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    Not without a big fight they won't. :x
  16. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    I've been told that many Jewish families don't pay property taxes there. How can *anyone* get away with that? I would like to do the same in my town.
  17. njvike

    Palace Amusements Building Demolished (5/26/04)

    What's next, Lucy :x I can remember they few times I went there and how crowded it was. I wish I could have taken a few pictures before they took it down. Now my camera is with me all the time. You never now what will be taken down next.
  18. njvike

    Pinesnake Encounters

    Sue, Did you know this Rattlesnake Ace that was mentioned in one of the books that Beck wrote?
  19. njvike

    Carranza Memorial in wraps

    Renee, Thanks for the link. I may actually go this year. This site has his name as Emilio Carranza Rodriguez. I've never seen this before on any site. I wonder why?