It kind of amuses me that PBR is becoming a hip beer now. It was big in the late 70's and early 80's but kind of fizzled out when the micro brews came on the scene. To this day there is probably no other one brand of beer that I have drank more of than PBR. But I'm working on it. Go Yuengling...
It was great seeing you all. Wish I could have gone with you. After I left I made my way down to Constable Bridge. The road at the foot of the bridge is washed out. Oh well.
Here is the group shot:
I don't know how deep it is there but I've seen people jumping off of Quaker Bridge. It's got to be deeper than 6-7 feet to do that so 12 feet does not seem unreasonable.
Coming from Rt206, as soon as you enter the large clearing before the ruin, look to your right. You will see an access to the Batsto. That is where I put in.
Just use the damn thing!!! Be proud of them pin stripes. You've had more vehicles since I've known you than I've ever owned in 35 years (not including my kids cars).