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  1. wis bang

    The Great Swamp

    Absolutely, the body is ruthless shutting down the extremities in an attempt to maintain the core body temp. As the limbs loose circulation the nervous system starts uncontrolled shivering in an attempt to generate some body heat. A persons reactions slow down to the point where only outside...
  2. wis bang

    Possible to get lost in N.J.? - You bet

    My e'trex legend automatically records a 'back trail' so you're cool as long as you don't erase it...of coruse if you don't turn it out of batteries...
  3. wis bang

    The Great Swamp

    woodjin, I was not trying to over react as I have seen your posts and it sounds like you had an idea of what was up. I do want any other readers who are not truly aware to learn the truth about hypothermia as water and cold make a mixture that kills the unaware. Glad to hear that you took...
  4. wis bang

    The Great Swamp

    First rule of Surrvival, never go alone. Second rule, always make sure someone knows where you went & when you'll be back; hepls them find the body quicker... Hypothermia is a REAL concern this time of the year; if your 'sinking' would have hapened farther away from your vehicle; you might...
  5. wis bang

    Fall from tree stand

    It can the the most dangerous part of hunting. Falls from treestands, and other hazards account for the majority of hunting deaths. Alot of tree stands are used by bow hunters. The broadhead arrows can cause alot of damage. I read where a guy was walking in with a set of 'rattling' antlers [used...
  6. wis bang

    2004-2005 Hunting Season Schedule

    So far...some people would like to see it but I don't think they'll get it thru the states...
  7. wis bang

    I see you, you see me.

    Some of it is the tradition...I have my grandfather's shotgun. He used it during the depression...Our deer camp lease was started in 1928 & the building started in 1933. The two week deer hunt was serious business and fed alot of people...
  8. wis bang

    I see you, you see me.

    My dad has his grandfather's 1863 springfield hanging under his mantle. He remembers seeing it in use as a small boy. It's a percussion cap muzzleoading smoothbore. He used to 'shave' a chunk of lead into a deerskin wad w/ his knife & dad said it made a weird sound when he shot...made large...
  9. wis bang

    I see you, you see me.

    Unfortunately it hapens. You don't get too many 'do overs' once the trigger is pulled so everyone needs to respect the potential for the 'worst case' situation. That Bright Orange hat can be seen a long distance. I've spotted other hunters, at great distance, without any aid. I've tried to...
  10. wis bang

    I see you, you see me.

    They should be glad some else is trying to move the deer around. Stand hunting works ONLY if there is other people making the dreer get up and move...Make sure you are wearing some orange though...some guys may shoot first & look later...
  11. wis bang

    hunting question

    And all the while the bucks were circling you...Laughing at you...& the laying down in some thick stuff 'till those noisy, anoying hunters leave...