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    A question for long time cherry hill residents

    Subway station? Am I missing something?
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    Train kills girl on ATV

    Wow-really sad and unnecessary. I was really shocked to hear that there have been 12 fatalities this year as well. It sounds as though this girl tried to get away but did the wrong thing when doing so. If she had run either against the direction of the train or perpendicular to the tracks she...
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    Bodine field to Harrisville to pumping station questions

    Hey everyone. Seems like it's been a long time since I've posted. Unfortunately I haven't been getting to the pines much due to work being crazy, but my pride and my passenger door are still hurting from my last trip anyway :mrgreen: A friend from my office who is a big nature buff but has...
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    Pine Barrens Militia

    I see your point, but in my experience every militia that has come down the pike has not been the type you're describing. Instead of fighting for freedom for all against a police state they are usually fighting for the tyranny of a select few such as Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, etc... Every...
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    Pass the Corn Please

    Has anyone authenticated this thing yet? I saw some pictures from a different angle which make the hog look MUCH smaller. That coupled with the cheesy website makes me skeptical.
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    Pine Barrens Militia

    Duh...I wasn't even thinking of them. Hopefully it is them and not some Timothy McVeigh types!
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    Pine Barrens Militia

    This is a group you've seen in the Pine Barrens? Weird-this is the first I've heard. Are they a 4x4 club?
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    Who plays quoits and how?

    Ahhh Largo, you've touched on yet another chapter of the mystery of quoits. What you have are traditional American quoits. Based on a little research I've done I'd venture to say that they were manufactured somewhere in Pennsylvania. The U.S. Quoiting Association's Website is up now and I was...
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    Pass the Corn Please

    It's a little term I invented after witnessing how brazen and downright nasty people get when hiding behind an IP address.
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    Pass the Corn Please

    There is a whole website dedicated to the kid now called If you read the comments page you'll see that its degenerated into a cultural pissing match perpetuated by suffers of BBIB (Big Brass Internet B---s) syndrome. On one side you have animal rights people connecting this...
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    Who plays quoits and how?

    I assure you its a game not lost on the youth of this area. I can't recall ever being at a BBQ in Central Jersey without hearing the "clang" of quoit on quoit. It was a right of passage of sorts as I remember the first time my dad showed me how to throw (once I was old enough to heave a 2 1/2...
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    Picture of a giant bird seen in the pines

    Am I the only one who sees a strong resemblence to a certain member of the Leeds family?
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    Who plays quoits and how?

    This Memorial Day weekend I dusted off an old set of quoits that probably haven't been touched since my grandfather was alive (10+ years ago) and pitched a few at a BBQ at my house yesterday and a friend's house today. I remember being introduced to the game in my younger years at various...
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    Build new instead of buy?

    I don't know if anyone here is in the building trades, but I'm just tossing an idea out because everyone at NJPB is so darn knowledgeable and nice! Sarah and I reeeeeeeeally want to get into a house soon which of course isn't easy in this state to begin with, but we have some additional...
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    Barrens of fire

    Well, I hope I'm not opening up a can of worms as Bob alluded to, but basically fire is important for a few reasons. Controlled burns are usually conducted to burn off detritus on the forest floor periodically. The rationale behind this is to have a few small fires instead of one big one. The...
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    To buy or not to buy-Garmin eTrex Legend Cx

    Ahhhh...gotcha-now I understand. Somehow this concept escaped me Thanks for all of the advice everyone. I think for right now I might do as Boyd said and just get a GPS with topo maps. I have a more urgent need to know where I am in the pines rather than on the roads!
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    To buy or not to buy-Garmin eTrex Legend Cx

    I'm a little confused-Sue, what do you mean when you say that you can't navigate with the topo maps? I was under the impression that I could switch to the topo map, pull the GPS out of the holder, and walk with it? Also, when you say you don't know what kind of navigating capability the eTrex...
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    To buy or not to buy-Garmin eTrex Legend Cx

    My latest Pines misadventure really pushed me over the edge as far as buying a GPS. I'm not really into making big ticket purchases lately due to the fact that I have to save a mint in order to afford a house in this state, but I'm justifying it like this: I really love exploring the...
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    Head out to Colliers Mills this afternoon / Colliers Mills North 5-12-07

    Thanks for the sympathy fellas. The dent isn't too bad-the biggest one is in my pride :rofl: Anyway to answer Scott's question I haven't really had the chance to use low range other than to make sure it worked correctly after I bought the truck. There is a stump in the back yard that needs go...