Search results

  1. B

    Brave hunters

    Well said Steve, now everyone play nice. :mrgreen:
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    Atlantic City, Makepeace, and Wharton

    The Black Cat Bar and Grill is on Route 30 in Absecon. They had Flying Fish Amber Ale on tap...:guinness:
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    Atlantic City, Makepeace, and Wharton

    Thanks to Woodjin and Largo, Sarah and I had a wonderful South Jersey weekend. We drove down Friday night and had dinner with some friends who just moved to Mays Landing. They live just off of Route 40 in a development opposite the Mays Landing Diner. After that we headed to our hotel in...
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    Brave hunters

    Sadly, even though that video may not exist (and Bob raises a good point) I know that some do. As a matter of fact, those of you who like country music might have heard about the recent fining of Troy Gentry of Montgomery Gentry because he failed to obtain the proper permit for a "canned hunt"...
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    "Mini Vacation" this weekend

    So you know those crazy offers you get for timeshares where you go and listen to their pitch and if you turn it down you get something free? About 6 months ago I did just that and after they browbeat me and got somewhat nasty I walked out with my voucher for two free nights at a Marriott...
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    Tuckahoe WMA

    WOW. Nice pics Boyd. I'm putting that on my list of places to take the new truck! And a camera too.
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    Brave hunters

    Sounds like a "canned" hunt to me. Despicable. I've seen these where guys pay $2000 to have a bear turned loose in a paddock so they can shoot it from behind the fence. The issue I have with the letter is that this person is making sweeping generalizations about hunting and hunters because he...
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    New pines exploration vehicle!

    I looked and looked and looked for a manual but just couldn't find one. I'm still happy with my purchase though. You're dead on! At first I wasn't even going to look at truck because I figured it was more than like a 6.0L (Or 6.Oh No! as I've heard it called), until the salesman mentioned...
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    New pines exploration vehicle!

    I am the proud new owner of a 2003 F-350 Powerstroke! I just picked it up yesterday after a lot of searching for the "right" truck. I'm looking forward to bouncing over some sugar sand soon and testing the four wheel drive. Of course she'll be fed a steady diet of biodiesel once the weather...
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    Cold Night For Backpack Camping

    Oh come on now Bob, you know better. The rudeness was simply due to the fact that you were in a mall inhabited by North Jerseyans!
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    Promising biofuel idea-especially for NJ

    Very true-I'd imagine though that warning signs would need to be erected stating that the crops were not fit for consumption. Of course if this idea did happen to catch on in Trenton there may need to be fences as well because the brownfields tend to attract urban ATV riders... :jeffd: I pity...
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    Hidden in a Barn

    Actually I spied one Volvo PV544 in there-a muscle car of sorts at least by European standards. I always liked them because they looked like a mini version of an old Mercury or Hudson. I used to be into turbo Volvos and there are many PV's running around Europe (and here in small numbers) that...
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    Promising biofuel idea-especially for NJ

    Researchers at Michigan State University are growing soybeans and corn on old industrial brownfield sites with a twofold benefit: Growing crops for biofuel production, and cleaning up the soil in the process. Sounds like a winner to me. The city of Trenton alone (the revitalization of which is...
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    Hidden in a Barn

    Good God! How does a barn full of 75 cars just get "forgotten!?" That guy will make a mint of off those I bet. The toughest part would be deciding what to keep.
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    Paragon Off-Road Park closing.

    Ditto. A long time ago when I still had my FJ I took some guys out who were used to places like upstate New York and Pennsylvania. They enjoyed the scenery but commented that the Pines ain't exactly the Rubicon. That's just fine with me.
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    William S. Haines Passed Away

    Pretty amazing guy, certainly an influential and active resident of the pines.
  17. B

    What's between LeisureTowne and Ridge/New Road?

    Yikes! Not yet, or for at least another 4-5 years I hope. I was just poking around for some info-I will check out though, thanks for the tip!
  18. B

    What's between LeisureTowne and Ridge/New Road?

    Nice catch Guy. Interesting reading. VOCs and metals and inorganic compounds oh my! I'm guessing wherever you move out there you're using well water, so that's certainly a concern. On the other hand, I'd be more worried if I was living IN LeisureTowne rather than up on Retreat Road or Ridge...
  19. B

    What's between LeisureTowne and Ridge/New Road?

    So my girlfriend and I are harboring delusions that we might actually be able to afford a house in New Jersey on our meager federal government and schoolteacher salaries-what better way to shop for a town to live in than Google Earth! I was looking at this piece of land bounded by Ridge Road...
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    Paragon Off-Road Park closing.

    I don't know if I'm ready to sound the alarm just yet. I've never been to Paragon, only read about it, but if someone is willing to pay the fees to go there and follow the rules, I'd venture to say that they're probably relatively responsible individuals. That being said I think that rangers...