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  1. LARGO

    Time Lapse Photography

    You need to take your work somewhere. Seriously. What you have is a gift, what you do is a treasure. Thank you. g.
  2. LARGO

    Snow ??

    Just got in from plowing this wet white hell. What crap. My J/D model 40 has a pull behind plow on a 3 point hydraulic hitch which does not do well in wet heavy snow. My dad comes over with his Ford Deisel Backhoe and 8 foot bucket when things get serious here. It was not fun but I want my...
  3. LARGO

    A White Blanket of Beauty

    Great day out Mark! That first shot of the dog on the river is the winner. That's a postcard dude! I too would like to get out to Q/B in this but can not so thanks for sharing. What I really like, is you use your vehicle and get out there. I see so many of those just being pampered around the...
  4. LARGO


    Funny how it looks like the barn behind the Atsion Mansion. (in better days) That looks like the work of perhaps a child for a school or holiday gift project. Nice little piece. g.
  5. LARGO

    Blizzard Hunt

    Astounding out there! Those bogs always picture up well and the snow accentuated it. I can not believe you trudged out there. Just getting around here was a real beeatch. Thought my old heart was gonna give out a time or two. I just let my dog run free because she had a time of it getting...
  6. LARGO

    John deere junket

    Almost forgot this'n... There can only be one Redneck in Pestletown, and I ain't he. I'm just the other guy. But with a tractor. g.
  7. LARGO

    Snow ??

    Looks like it's... out with the tractor again for the sleds. If the snow wants to get medieval on me, I just break out the BIG old Ford Diesel Backhoe. There's a beast to pull a sled for every occasion up in my our collection. Guess my Corvette's gonna get covered again. I should maybe put it in...
  8. LARGO

    John deere junket

    When I was a kid in Elm, it was a car hood, or hoods plural depending on the crowd, all hooked together and to the tractor with good old fashioned STEEL CHAIN. If you're gonna fall off and get mangled, rope won't do. After a time or two up the woods, dad would take right to the Fleming Pike and...
  9. LARGO

    John deere junket

    This is how we go sledding in Pestletown. Nothing else matters... . . . , John D. model 40 , pushing 70 years of age, still turning fields and entertaining chillun'.
  10. LARGO

    Snow ??

    I was up in Manahawkin all morn' with my daughter at the Middle School for a band thing and all was well. We left and headed down rt9 and stopped in to the Dynasty in Tuckerton for lunch and it was just, dusting. By the time we came out... hoo boy. Fun time coming home by way of rt9 and 542...
  11. LARGO

    Missing Person

    Actually sir, the only thing I've ever seen about this person has been on here. I suppose I've just not been paying attention. As Guy notes, no image so I would not even know who to be looking for and my wife never mentioned any unusual vehicles of late. (back here, if it's not a vehicle that...
  12. LARGO

    5th Annual Lines on the Pines "About Blueberries and Cranberries"

    I have been in communication with Linda (She's aces!) and the fair missus and I am on board. I'll not elaborate tables 'cause one never knows and variety is indeed the spice of life. I only hope to share with old friends. I do offer that I look forward to seeing any and all from here and given...
  13. LARGO

    Pine Barrens Beer

    One name.... Mulliner's One flavor to incorporate... Charcoal One thing agreed to include... actual alcohol Peace out. g.
  14. LARGO

    Breaker One Nine

    After leaving the Coast Guard, my dad drove truck the better part of his life till retiring. The C/B was a part of my life and all the coolness that came with it. There was an etiquette, a protocol if you will, but a free willed manner of speak just the same. A young boy I, had so many...
  15. LARGO

    Forum Upgrade - Post all Bugs, Comments, and Issues Here.

    O.K., I see Guy's post on this and might have missed the answer. I go right to Quick Reply. Any reason? I had 2 applications open, one on Firefox and one on IE6, Mehh, not much different except some screen sizing thing going on. Navigating has been tricky probably just because my eyes are...
  16. LARGO

    Direction that the Site is Going In

    I have a very bad feeling I fall in the "looks like garbage" group. This looks like a mess to me. That's not a jab at you Ben. I guess it's just.... different? g.
  17. LARGO

    Flood paddle

    Gabe, To me, that would be very cool. Two things?? Is that Phenom usually in cold weather season? (whimpy me might take fear) And... is it not something with a small window of warning and smaller duration of existance? I am not in a scheduling position to just up and go whence it would...
  18. LARGO

    Direction that the Site is Going In

    I'm not an IT guy so please don't make fun... Is the version of Internet Explorer one uses not avaible for updates, or is it a limitation to the operating system one has on their machine? Just curious. Obviously I wouldn't want to loose this site. g.
  19. LARGO

    Apple Pie Hill Tower Smashed Again

    You guys did good. Real good. Your example is admirable. Thanks! g.
  20. LARGO

    Apple Pie Hill Tower Smashed Again

    TRADITION... shitting up state property, the forest, a very ecosystem if you will, seeing that other folks clean up the crap, and doing it over again. Interesting. I've had a lot of Jersey backwoods traditions that while odd, didn't include such foolishness. My advice, listen closely...