Apple Pie Hill Tower Smashed Again


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
....Two of the four vertical supports that run the full length of the tower are both bent inwards at about the 3' level from the ground. It looks like they were hit by a truck. If just one support had been damaged I would think it was the result of an accident, but with both supports damaged at the same height on the same side, I tend to think it was done on purpose.

I have to agree with you on the intent. It's just amazing how some people can be so ignorant and uncaring. Unfortunately, this just may be the final straw that forces the closing of the tower and/or the hill. It would be great if they caught these scum and made them pay for the damage.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I suspect the rangers are watching it because I saw them flying up the road from the tracks one early morning when I was in the woods along that road.


Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
They should mount a few non flash infrared cameras in the area that snap pictures when they detect motion. I don't know if the people who trash the tower will ever succeed at bringing it down, but left unchecked, they may succeed at getting it closed to the public.
Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
My theory on the hatred directed at the poor defenseless fire tower is that these hoodlums were hassled by "The Man", & this is their way of evening the score. Perhaps they were caught drinking & smoking dope there at sometime & it's a terribly traumatic memory for them to see the tower standing there. :cry:

I dissagree. What you're suggesting would apply "back in the day". Nowadays, these idiots don't need a reason, excuse or cause to inflict damage and destruction. That's the sad and scary part about this whole thing.


Nov 21, 2008
we were out trail riding one night recently and came upon a bunch of teenagers at the tower , there was a few of us and they didnt cause any damage , either they were just hanging out or were to scared to do anything with us around , the sad thing is im sure plenty of people have been caught vandalizing it before but word never gets out and there will always be some new idiot that just got there license and brings all there friends out to wreck stuff
I dissagree. What you're suggesting would apply "back in the day". Nowadays, these idiots don't need a reason, excuse or cause to inflict damage and destruction. That's the sad and scary part about this whole thing.

You're right, people ruin stuff just for "fun"

The wreckers are undoubtedly folks that don't spend much time in the woods. When I've been there at day or night with my friends, checking out the trails, but are still close to the tower, people that look like they're more from Marlton or Cherry Hill are always too nervous to get out of their car if they know we're arond. Perhaps the people I see never mean harm if I wasn't there, but I'm certain those that cause damage are not frequent visitors of the Pines. Well...maybe they are, but they're just idiots.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
You're right, people ruin stuff just for "fun"

people that look like they're more from Marlton or Cherry Hill are always too nervous to get out of their car if they know we're arond.

Hey, I am from Marlton :words: :argh::D

Well, at least I grew up there.



New Member
Sep 28, 2009
Tabernacle, NJ
3 of us went out there today to clean up the area. Wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Pretty much walked around the whole "hill" and picked up mostly just cans and bottles. Some stuff is frozen in the big puddle and can't really be pulled out until it thaws.
Dropped it at the Atsion ranger station.

The cut horizontal support looks like it's cracking more.










On the plus side you could clearly see AC and Philly today for some neat pics.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Nice work cleaning it! The crack does seem worse.



Sep 30, 2008
I keep telling my husband that we need to get out there one of these days and finally experience it for ourselves. The panoramic views you posted are amazing; I can almost smell the air above the trees. I'd better get crackin' before too long.



New Member
Sep 14, 2009
Apple Pie Hill Lack Of Respect

Sitting at work today I was talking to a few of my co-workers about teh Pine Barrens and had mentioned that my boyfriend and a few of his friends were up at Apple Pie Hill Cleaning up trash that a bunch of kids had left.

( Now.. My boyfriend is a 4-Wheeler who goes to Apple Pie Hill Monthly to clean up TV's, Car Parts..Beer Cans..and more unbeknownst to anyone in the area. We love Apple Pie hill and hate to see people trashing it and ruining it for everyone else. )

To get back to the story I was sitting in the brake room and one of my Fellow employees jumped into my conversation telling me that my boyfriend was stupid for cleaning apple pie hill because her SON goes there quite often and drops Televisions from the top of it..she said if i was a REAL "JERSEY GIRL" I would understand that that is just what kids DO at the hill and that Dropping TV's from the top of the tower is just TRADITION.

I was very much taken aback.. as I have lived in New Jersey since I was 3 and I am a "Jersey Girl" and Have NEVER heard of a tradition where you RUIN STATE FOREST. She is a fellow co-worker of mine and I have now lost all respect for her. As I cannot imagine anyone who could "PROMOTE" such behavior with their children.

Apparently she doesn't think "APH" is used anymore by officials. And was angry at me when I mentioned that they are braking the law and should be stopped. Perhaps the State Forest Officials should put up a sign saying if anyone is caught vandalizing they will be arrested and fined.

I'd love some feedback on this as I am pretty angry with my my boyfriend was cleaning up the mess that her 13 year old children and friends have been leaving for apparently years.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Sitting at work today I was talking to a few of my co-workers

Just sit back and have some patience and one day hopefully you will have a big smile on your face when they come to work one day complaining their pockets are a little lighter because of their children. You won't change their opinion, but lighter pockets may.



New Member
Jan 9, 2010
Myself and two other guys from a local Jeep club cleaned up Apple Pie Hill today.
Hauled a small trailer full of crap out of there.


Sep 7, 2005
TRADITION... shitting up state property, the forest, a very ecosystem if you will, seeing that other folks clean up the crap, and doing it over again.

Interesting. I've had a lot of Jersey backwoods traditions that while odd, didn't include such foolishness.
My advice, listen closely from now on. Play down your stance just for a bit. See if you can get a little more detail on who, where, and when. Then, when you think you've got something tangible, pass the information along to authorities. You'll get closer to getting that big smile on your face that Guy speaks of sooner.
Worried about making enemies? I'd use every bit of info in any way from anyone, especially a braggard of the offense and have no problem looking them in the eye to tell them I was the informant. I do not care how close you are to them in the workplace. Ignorance is bliss? Take away some of their bliss.



New Member
Sep 14, 2009
I've never heard someone say what I was actually thinking out loud. I agree with both of you.. I do know her name and last name.. her sons I do not know.

In another instance though I do know that their was a job application found up at apple pie hill today and that application has complete information about someone who had been "Partying" up there.. that has been turned over to the authorities . . but i will start listening more closely at work as well .. see if i can find out more information..