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  1. B

    For the hunters

    That is a nice eight pointer. A good rule of thumb in NJ is if the rack is as wide as the ears, or wider, it is a good buck and worth taking. Most hunters looking for a buck will take a big 6 pointer or small 8 pointer. That buck just meets the test. It is not easy to find bigger deer in the...
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    Tick-borne ills on decrease in southern N.J.

    I picked up two while picking wild blueberries on my property in Ocean County, though my two kids got none. I felt them crawling and brushed them off. Also got some nasty chigger bites. I had sprayed my kids with deet, but forgot to spray myself. This is my first summer in a new house, and...
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    Mount Misery

    I think you are talking about where Mt. Misery Road meets Pasadena/Savoy, right? That sign about pancakes is on a gun/hunting club building. There are also a few houses and a tree farm or two. Traffic is rare enough that people stop and stare when you drive by.
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    Boyd's Hotel, Back to Black's Bridge

    Why not just get permission?
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    NJDEP iMAP 1930 Aerial Photobase Now Available

    It is great. I notice that my house, built in 2003, is not on Google maps or the i-map. Not that I am complaining.
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    That looks like it.
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    Our Morning in the Pines

    It looked to me that the log cabin was going to be a regular house, but I did see a number of building supplies wrapped up that could have been anything. Next to the Wawa on 70/539, they are building what I hear will be a Dunkin Donuts. Ad the property across the street is for sale and...
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    Had a few more yesterday from walking out on the trail on my property. Don't know what kind they are - pretty big and with a marking on their backs.
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    The ticks were okay by me until this weekend, when three kids and three adults found ticks on themselves just from walking around my yard, and I found one in the house. Also, two or three chigger bites on my own legs, scratching as I type.
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    History of the Brooksbrae Brick Company

    I went by this morning and saw a tom turkey guarding the trail in. Hope he isn't sacrificed to Teegate.
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    History of the Brooksbrae Brick Company

    That is a shame. On the bright side, maybe the satanists are now sacrificing abductees to your name.
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    History of the Brooksbrae Brick Company

    I have seen the "Teegate" spraypaint, and was meaning to ask about it. Who wrote that and why (assuming, of course, our own Teegate is not a graffiti artist)?
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    Pine Barrens Militia

    That's it! Nice, quick, detective work.
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    Pine Barrens Militia

    I have seen two different vehicles with stickers or writing that says Pine Barrens Militia, with camoflauge and some young rough-lookin dudes driving. My impression was skinhead types, but since some people look at me and think the same thing (bald), I could be wrong.
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    Pine Barrens Militia

    Anyone know anything about this? Camoflauge vehicles, stickers, etc. Just wondering....
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    History of the Brooksbrae Brick Company

    I am pretty skeptical that anyone was abducted and held over there. Sounds like it is just a rumor. I never saw anything about it, though it is newsworthy and the Manchester Police are not the type of department to hush things up. Never heard any cop talk about it either. And it seems an...
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    Holes/pits near rr tracks in Pasadena

    About 200 feet south of the railway running parallel to Pasadena Road, east of where Buckingham Road crosses the tracks, I found three holes, about 3-4 feet deep, and maybe 10 feet across. There is nothing in them, though there are a number of old red bricks surrounding two of them. Any ideas...
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    Forest fires in Central Jersey!?

    I saw them doing a controlled burn near the tracks that cross 539 in Whiting last night. I understand that all controlled burning is supposed to be done by March 30th, unless special circumstances arise, so there should be plenty more in the next week.
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    Weird looking clearings near Red Oak Grove

    I was running on some trails back in Lebanon State Forest and Pasadena WMA this morning and came across a long, somewhat narrow, clearing that must be the same thing. Trees gone, etc. There were also 3 bird house type structures in the middle, spaced apart. Each was on a metal pole about 4...
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    The Final Days of a Hunting Club?

    $44,000 sounds very steep - did you appeal the assessment, or does it seem fair in relation to other properties?