I hope that hint didnt mean you looted the cache and is no longer found in the area? Hate when I get to one and some one muggled it. Guys have nothing better to do than ruin a good time.
Just got back from touring Wharton. Its 12:00 now. Roads are OK for now. Rt 42 is a little slow. The woods are great. Saw more than one caravan of trucks out there tonight. Toured from Stokes to Quakerbridge and then out. Beautiful and quiet. One weird thing. Saw a large TOAD jumping across the...
Piney Boy. How did you become a forest ranger? I am seriously interested in a "job relocation" The work I do now is killing me and I would rather do something I love. I have a good friend of my family that used to be a veteran ranger in Wharton that may help.. What kind of schooling etc... Also...
Whats wrong with rangers reading this forum? Its not like we are meeting here to discuss important world domination. I was seriously thinking about becomming a ranger. To control the retards of the woods though. Driving around in the woods, with a gun, going anywhere I damn well please?? That is...
Thats friggin amazing. I wish there were places in the pines like that. Imagine finding a snake or herp bird, reptile or whatever that you could actually make a name for...amazing..
Hey I plan on doing that alot in spring. Cant put a price on camping out there in the beautiful pine barrens. The places I want to go I dont believe they will find me anyway.:)
I know a place in a small patch of woods right near my house. Tiger salamanders are the Giant orangey red ones with spots right? I have found them up to 7 inches years ago. I found them under rocks in a sandy little creek. Rocks that had about 1 to 2 inches of water risen up on it. Pretty cool...
Has anyone every camped outside the sites in a desloate area? Seems like fires ok if its small on the ground or on a stove type. I guess the campsites are ok to do ,then hike, but I dont like a lot of people.
I am thicking about hiking to some remote spots in Wharton. What kind of permit do I need to stay over night and have a small fire sans a campsite. Has anyone ever done this?
I was just readin Bigfoots posts..Guess I sparked something in him too. When you know what your doing metal detecting does not have an impact on anyone. You dig your whole with a small serrated digger in a plug shape. Carefully pull the plug out trying to keep it whole onto a cloth. When the...