Wilderness Camping


Jan 20, 2006
I am thicking about hiking to some remote spots in Wharton. What kind of permit do I need to stay over night and have a small fire sans a campsite. Has anyone ever done this?

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
if you're going sans campsite then it's a waste to get a permit. the permit will only cover the official campsites. unfortunately they wont let you pick a random spot and set up camp.


Jan 20, 2006
Has anyone every camped outside the sites in a desloate area? Seems like fires ok if its small on the ground or on a stove type. I guess the campsites are ok to do ,then hike, but I dont like a lot of people.

Piney Boy

Sep 19, 2005
Williamstown, NJ
I regularly hike and camp all through the Pines. While it is appealing to camp off designated campsites (stealth camping) it is illeagal. I'm no angel and have stealthed a few times in the past, but be really careful about using campfires. All designated areas have fire pits that make control issues easy. It is always tougher on the environ when camping off trail in undesignated areas. Do your best to leave no trace. That calls for removing fire coals and remnants when you are gone. If you want a nice little hike use the Mullica River Wilderness site. Its seven miles out of Batsto and makes for a nice look at the river. Lower forge is another nice isolated campsite aprox 7 miles out of Batsto. Mullica has water, The Forge does not. Brendan Bryne, Bellaire, Atsion, and Bass River all have campsites, but they are all car camping sites that leave little to wilderness. Maps can be obtained at any park office and prices for camping vary. The wilderness sites are 1 dollar. You will run into very few or no people once your past aprox 3 miles on the Batona, and both backcountry campsites are secluded. Have a nice hike.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I did the Lower Forge site a few times in the early 80's and it was a near-wilderness experience within a reasonable hike from Batsto or Atsion stations.
I left my truck at Batsto.
Lower Forge is still nice and sees little or no use this time of year.


Sep 7, 2005
Summer of '92 I was on a camping/canoeing kick and did various spots along the Mullica between Forks and not quite Atsion.And come to think of it now that I recall, the Batsto. I had tried that in my teens and found some cooler places to camp. Called it CAMPCANOE92. My Uncle lives on the Mullica so putting in was easy and just went where I wished with a couple friends.I checked out the permit thing and knew the campsites and the people weren't my gig so I decided to wing it. No, it's not legal but I never had a problem. It was a nice time. I did it once in '93 and have not since.Stuck to canoeing short day trips. if you decide to do it keep it clean.
Really though I think there is much more of a Ranger consiousness and presence than then so I wouldn't suggest it myself.



New Member
Jan 6, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
You will get fined if you get caught. New Jersey does not believe that people can actually practice "no trace camping". The fire danger is also a problem.
I personally do not like public campgrounds, I do not go out to the woods to listen to other people's noise, isn't the whole idea to get away from it all?
I recomend it. Leave no trace. If you do have a fire dig a pit, burn small dead wood, burn it completly and bury it when you leave.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
virginiapiney said:
You will get fined if you get caught. New Jersey does not believe that people can actually practice "no trace camping". The fire danger is also a problem.
I personally do not like public campgrounds, I do not go out to the woods to listen to other people's noise, isn't the whole idea to get away from it all?
I recomend it. Leave no trace. If you do have a fire dig a pit, burn small dead wood, burn it completly and bury it when you leave.

Well said.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
LARGO said:
I think it has mutated from camping to "hiding"

The cure for that is for the state to be more oriented to assisting the public in hiding from society for awhile. Instead, as in Double Trouble State Park their budget goes to building elaborate fences at all the dirt roads that enter the park. Why not designate a "hike-in" wilderness camp area and clear a few lonely spots, let us go in for a $3 fee and leave us the hell alone for a couple nights? Don't come in at 11PM with a 6 volt lantern in my face and check the camp for the 2 beers or half a bottle of wine I lugged in to relax with in front of the fire.


Jun 16, 2003
Boston, MA
BobM said:
Why not designate a "hike-in" wilderness camp area and clear a few lonely spots, let us go in for a $3 fee and leave us the hell alone for a couple nights? Don't come in at 11PM with a 6 volt lantern in my face and check the camp for the 2 beers or half a bottle of wine I lugged in to relax with in front of the fire.

This has been my problem with camping in the Pine Barrens. Because of the dense population and therefore, the greater possibiliy of irresponsible campers, off roaders, etc, the laws have been made to eliminate the occurence of this small percentage of people. Therefore, me simply sitting in front of a fire with a (yes, 'A' as in one) beer after hiking into a remote camping spot after 4 or 5 miles is illegal.

Unfortunately, the way South Jersey and the Northeast in general is building suburban "communities", I don't see these laws getting any leaner, in fact, they're probably on their way to getting more strict. So I hate to say it, but if you want to camp and you're a responsible person who leaves little trace on nature, cleans up trash, and knows how to make an efficient and responsbile 'camp fire' (note I did not say raging bonfire), then you will have to risk camping illegally. I've done it many times and I've also been caught before and had to pay the fines. But it won't deter me because camping in those designated spots where people have propane powered DVD players and gas powered margarita blenders on their trailer hitches is like giving up on camping alltogether. I won't do it because before you know it, the public wilderness in the Pine Barrens will all be gone and we'll be wondering why we didn't take advantage of it while it was still intact.




Jan 20, 2006
Hey I plan on doing that alot in spring. Cant put a price on camping out there in the beautiful pine barrens. The places I want to go I dont believe they will find me anyway.:)