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  1. L

    Spooky Pines

    The picture of a Bear rubbing budhah in the middle of a stream is still more disturbing.
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    Today at the Franklin Parker Dedication

    Nice pictures. Did not find what you thought you would but sounds like a nice hike. At least you found out for the rest of us the chiggers are still out. I hope my daughter is still willing to go out adventuring with her old man when she gets older. At two years old she is willing to go...
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    Wanta buy a Kayak...

    I tried kayaking for the first time this past spring. I rented a Kayak from Belhaven and went from Hamptons Furnace to Batsto, staying over night at the lower forge wilderness campsite. The rental was the shorter type that you sit in. It was very natural and much easier than canoeing. If you are...
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    A "town" NOBODY knows about....except me.

    Interesting, Did you talk with any of them? How long do you think they have been their?
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    Up the Cedar

    Looks like we are cutting it close as far as the storm is concerned. Seems like it may pass through by the time we start, or it could be dumping 5 inches an hour. The storm is moving slow west to norht east. I need to leave my house by 10:00 in order to make it t ot the start by 12:00. I...
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    Pinelands to Pine waist

    My rant, Go online, look up partial birth abortion. Look at pictures of how the procedure is completed. How can anyone claim to believe that life starts at conception and than vote to keep that legal? Kerry is a sick pup. Kerry voted for and supported the war based on the same info as Bush...
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    The Lower Forge area revisited

    How far is Lower Forge from Lower Forge Campground? When looking at topo maps, seems like you could take left turn off the Batsto River and paddle close or into Manis duck pond. Do you know if that is possible? Ron
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    Up the Cedar

    Directions Seems like Mapquest has accurate directions.
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    Up the Cedar

    Unless I hear otherwise I will be there rain or shine :storm:
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    Up the Cedar

    Unless I hear otherwise I will be there rain or shine :storm:
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    Up the Cedar

    So far seems like eight people have said they would come at one point or another: Steve, Guy, Bobm, Gabe, Paul, Mickey, Bob “bobbleton:, and myself. If everyone is still going we would ideally want 4 canoes. Seems like three of us can bring a canoe , Mickey, Bobm , myself. And Steve...
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    Apple Pie Hill

    I think the view is worth the trip to Apple Pie Hill. I drove my 2yr old daughter to the hill this past Saturday. She was more interested in the old cigarette buts than the view. The general store in Chatsworth is worth visiting if you have not been there before.
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    Up the Cedar

    I am still up for going. Not sure if one of the people mentioned plans to share my canoe. Let me know. Otherwise I will try to find someone else to come along and help paddle. :friday:
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    Everyone should go to this sight if anb when they need a laugh.
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    Ghost Stories of the Pines

    Sometimes the tree cover can make the road so dark that if you have sunglasses on you may have difficulty seeing.
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    Ghost Stories of the Pines

    It was all right. They told one or two stories about people having a NJ devil experience that I did not hear before. The library also had a short documentary on the pines. That was less interesting.
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    Ghost Stories of the Pines

    I forgot about that. I rented a short documentary from the Gloucester County Library "Missis Leeds 13th Child". The closings were mentioned in that documentary. I showed my 2 year old a picture of the NJ Devil and she told me that it was silly.
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    Ghost Stories of the Pines

    NJ and the pines need a new monster / ghost story. The NJ devil never scarred anybody. My two year laughs at drawings of Misses Leads 13th child. How about one of us starts new story and where the previous person leaves off, the next person continues?
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    Vandals hit tiny church in the Pines

    We got to teach our kids better when they are young. We got to teach our kids to be leaders and not follow others in this kind of destruction.
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    Ghost Stories of the Pines

    Does not seem to have an ending