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  1. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    The flowers were White. The plant was more of a bush than a vine.
  2. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Bob, Their was a shrub/bush/tree like pant that grew along the river in blossom. The blossoms looked a lot like honey suckle. Would you have an idea what type of plant that is? I also noticed a lot of wild grapes and Ed pointed out some rasberries.
  3. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Here is a pic of Ed cutting through brush to find the river.
  4. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    No problems making it home. The engine seems to overheat at lower speeds and does not want to start once turned off, until it cools down. The dam is not like the one at the end of the "Up the Cedar" trip at all. No one is going to climb over it anyway.
  5. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Trip Report Ed and me paddled the Nescocheague River that was planned last week but canceled due to the rain. The day started off with my Jeep breaking down a ½ mile from where I was suppose to meet Ed and his wife. Thankfully a couple with a Canoe strapped to the top of their care stopped...
  6. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    I have a Jeep Cherokee 4x4. Saturday is best for me, I likely would not be able to do Sunday. Ron
  7. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Ed, Any update on the trip?
  8. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Ed, I would only be able to make the trip on a weekend. Earlier the better. Ron
  9. L

    flag rock is down

    I am not sure why he is suggesting to move it into the woods. Is he trying to say that it hurts him to see it in its vandalized state?
  10. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Count me in. I have a Kayak and a Canoe available. Ron
  11. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Chris, I have a canoe that I picked up at a yard sale for $50. I am not sure how often you can find them that cheap. It looks like it went through a war but it does not leak. I would never buy one brand new for the price they ask.
  12. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Believe me, I understand that people are busy. I have two kids and hardly ever have the time to get out of the house. I did not want to sound jilted, I enjoy just meandering on foot as much as meandering down stream in a Kayak.
  13. L

    Diamondback Terripan

    I saved a snapper while on a morning bike ride. The bugger pissed on me and I got a serios case of poison ivy for my effort. To top it off, I think the same turtle went back into the street and got squashed the same day.
  14. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Thanks again. Low water and River are both used relatively in the Pines. I think it would be fair to say that the Batsto gets low. Does not seem like anyone is interested in joining me this Sunday. Maybe I will just take a stroll around the woods instead. Ron
  15. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Thanks. Is the Wading generally deeper than the Batsto? One time at the Lower forge campsite I heard some campers canoeing into the campsite comment that they use the term river loosely in NJ.
  16. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Steve, Where would you suggest. I know the Batsto but I am not sure what the other rivers are like in the Wharton state forest area.
  17. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    I was thinking about kayaking in the Batsto area this weekend, likely on Sunday. Anyone interested?
  18. L

    Most Remote Area in the Pines

    I thought that the front cover of the paper back of "into the wild" states it is fiction.
  19. L

    Bear Attack

    The associated press and Courier Post mentioned it. The bear drug the horse past two live electric fences. .
  20. L

    Bow Drill Fire starting

    I was trying to use a fireboard and spindle made from cedar. I just collected some dead willow hoping that would work better. For tinder at one time or another I used dried grass, unraveled hemp rope, and a birds nest. The bird’s nest was mostly made out of the hemp rope since I leave scraps...