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  1. L

    Bow Drill Fire starting

    Has anyone ever tried successfully to start a fire using the primitive bow drill method? . I have tried several times and can get lots of smoke but that is about it.
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    Saw on my travels today

    Not sure if bieng to heavily brushed would make a difference. Except when they are hanging out in the farm fields , I have found the most tracks and seen actual turkeys in the deep swamps and heavily wooded areas.
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    Pine Barrens Christmas Gifts

    Bob BIrdsall also is involved with a wildlife rescue/edecation center in Medford called Cedar Run. He had a program this past year where he took folks put to fin and phoyo willdlife.
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    Pine Barrens Christmas Gifts

    Bob has photos posted on several web sites about the pines. You likely have viewed a lot of his photos.
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    Foul play

    Also possible that a property owner / landowner shot the hell out of the geese on his property and dumped them in the woods to avoid getting caught. Please call the Fish and Game commission and report what you saw. Sometimes they actually look into these things. I reported “huntersâ€...
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    NJ bans bear hunting on state land

    The new idea that science is useless which is cradled by Bush administration means the end of our environmental judgment. ????? Yeah I blame Bush also. He is the worst. He even believes stopping the killing of babies and protecting human dignity are more important than science. Next...
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    NJ bans bear hunting on state land

    When I fish I always take the barb off the hook by clamping it down with a pair a pliers. The end result is a lot less damage to the fish.
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    Can you name that goose?

    I think it is a wild goose mixed with domestic. I see a lot of ducks like that also.
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    Sportsmen's Clubs Sue To Force Issue Of Bear-hunt Licenses

    Bruset - You do not like hunting but defended it better than I ever could, and I have been hunting all my life. I hunt and I am not bloodthirsty. I have more respect for all life and the people I hunt with have more respect for all life compared to most non hunters I have met. I have mixed...
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    Pine Barrens Cleanup 2004 - This Sunday Oct 24 2004

    My daughter and I went to the trash pick up. We both had a great time. We even came within a few feet of a deer that startled us as much as we startled him.
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    I went on a web site that has a recording of the Whip-poor-wills call. I think what I heard was a whip-poor-will. I plan to go camping at the same time and place next spring (lower forge campsite). I hope to hear the same calls again and get a closer look.
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    New Jersey Nixes Planned Bear Hunt

    In his report he claims that hunting does not have an impact on the bear population. I would love to see the data for that. My math figures 3,000 bears, one bear shot, 2,999 bears. I would rather not see a bear hunt, despite the fact that I am a hunter. He seems to have no real argument against...
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    Uh, yeah Low. I should start drinking, that way I would have an excuse.
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    Tiresome sounds about right. I loved hearing the sound, but after a while I just wanted to go to sleep. I tried to get a closer look but the woods were too dark to make out anyhing.
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    New Jersey Nixes Planned Bear Hunt

    Agreed. I have seen a few bear, some with cubs, up in the Water Gap area. They are amazing. I do not like to think about them being shot for sport, but I like the hunting alternative over contraceptives. I hope the state just leaves them alone altogether for now. I drove by a section of...
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    Wondering if anybody can tell me if Whip-poor-wills are common in the pines. When camping this past spring one bird started calling and suddenly the whole woods were filled with a responding whistling birdcall that I believe could have been Whip-poor-wills.
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    New Jersey Nixes Planned Bear Hunt

    Promoting ways to live safe with bears is a good thing. Contraceptives? That is stupid. If we can kill molly the cow for a hamdburger what is the bid deal about a bear hunt if bears truly are getting overpopulated? I do have my doubts that they need to be thined our at this point and would...
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    A foggy morning in the pines

    Great pics Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us.
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    Arcchery Season Opens Today 10-2-04

    I thought it was just fox and coyote season for bow. Squirrel, crow and grouse for shotgun. Ron
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    Decoy and Gunning Show in Tuckerton 9/25 and 9/26

    I have not gone to that show for many years. I remember the duck call competitions and dog competitions as my favorite. My uncle, Charles Siedel, would drive up from Virginia every year to sell his hand carved decoys. Maybe I will make the trip next year. I agree with you on the...