Search results

  1. NJSnakeMan

    Tiger Salamanders

    Weird.... I had to a dream last night i caught a tiger salamander. Maybe it's foreshadowing the future!!! =D
  2. NJSnakeMan


    Found this today hiking, any idea what it could be? It had some fur in it. Close by i found some feathers.
  3. NJSnakeMan

    Need help ID'n Frogs

    Oh don't worry, I did. I always put them back where they were found, those guys crawled back under their rocks and i threw some dirt and leaves around em to conceal the heat better
  4. NJSnakeMan

    Need help ID'n Frogs

    Went out this morning around 7am to look for any herps......... I got back around 11 and it was 25 degrees then. I either am obsessed with herps this much, or I'm on crack. I found a couple things, redback salamanders, and two frogs i need help ID'n. The first one I'm almost a 100% sure is a NJ...
  5. NJSnakeMan

    Black Racer

    Racers are cool and all....but i don't get why i haven't found one yet!!! I've heard there is no point in seeking them, because they just come up- but not for me. I'm always in racer habitat, open woodlands, open pine lands, manumuskin, belleplain, several spots in atlantic county, rocky...
  6. NJSnakeMan


    Hey all, I've always been intersted in birding, but never took it too seriously. Since herping season is practically over, i decided to take it up a notch and really start birding. Problem is, i got a crappy p.o.s. binoculars, any suggestions on an affordable, but half decent pair...
  7. NJSnakeMan

    Eastern Worm snake record At the time i didn't notice how big the worm snake really was, but now after finding 3 more, much much smaller- i decided to measure the shed i had from the big one, turns out to be a record...
  8. NJSnakeMan

    Any birders out there?

    There is a huge bird wildlife sancturary in Brig. That is one of my aunt's favorite birding spots in NJ and she got a lot of lifers there.
  9. NJSnakeMan

    Any birders out there?

    Try Cape May County State Park. I know that's a popular birding spot, last time i went there were birders everywhere, flooded the parking lot. idk why that day was so popular, but here is a link to some pics from that day. Besides from birding, i've also found a black rat snake, water snake, and...
  10. NJSnakeMan

    What kind of snake is this?

    Nice snakes, and yep that's a black rat snake. I'll be in PA for two weeks next year and i'm supposed to go to a timber rattlesnake hot spot. Can hardly wait!
  11. NJSnakeMan

    What kind of snake is this?

    Dragoncjo- Hey! NJ or not, herp posts are all find with me! =) I know wood turtles are considered rare, or pretty uncommon here. What's their status in PA? And you have any pics of the rattlers?
  12. NJSnakeMan

    What kind of snake is this?

    Yeah, that looks like a pine snake to me. How big was it?
  13. NJSnakeMan

    What kind of snake is this?

    My only encounter with wood turtles was also in PA- Jim Thorpe. I found a pair mating, i didn't disturb them but it was awesome to watch them mate.
  14. NJSnakeMan

    Eastern Ringneck Snake

    In his 2nd picture, he has the belly shown. That's the best way to tell the difference. Southerns have a full row of half moons. Northern ringnecks either have a blank stomach, or a couple isolated rows of very small dots, not half moons. But no, i can't see the broken ring in any of his...
  15. NJSnakeMan

    Eastern Ringneck Snake

    It depends on where you are, most of the places ive been to i haven't found worms or ringnecks, but at belleplain state forest i almost can count of finding one on every trip.
  16. NJSnakeMan

    What kind of snake is this?

    Yep, it's definitly a king. Those things are pretty, hopefully i'll turn one up next year. Wow, things are still moving a bit huh? My friend just found a 3' black rat, still showing it's blotched markings. I'm supposed to get out again sunday. Looks nice, 62 and sunny.
  17. NJSnakeMan

    Eastern Ringneck Snake

    it's a southern ringneck. here is the difference.
  18. NJSnakeMan

    Herpetology Tools on Airplanes

    Hey all, During late april- early may i'll be taking a week long trip to the Great Basin of Oregon, in search of great basin rattlesnakes. I wanted to know if anyone has ever had problems with taking tongs/hooks in their luggage, or carry on luggage? I am getting a tong, but debating whether...
  19. NJSnakeMan

    Some recent NJ Herptiles

    Yep, that's concrete. There were also a lot of boards piled up that i layed out for snakes next year. Hopefully i'll get a snake or two out of them. Anyways, i went out again for a very little, found another female marbled salamander.
  20. NJSnakeMan

    Some recent NJ Herptiles

    I got some really crappy shots today- but here they are. The lifer for me- ground skink And the female Marbled Salamander I might just head out again tomorow morning. Looks like the last half-decent day for herping. It's supose to be 64 and sunny.