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  1. NJSnakeMan

    Some recent NJ Herptiles

    Got back an hour ago- around two. rain rain rain, and more rain. I did find another marbled salamander! This time a female, and she was in a totally different location. What i noticed is you can actually see the hole on the side of the rock where the salamander started to dig down into the...
  2. NJSnakeMan

    Some recent NJ Herptiles

    Yup. He's absolutely right. It's about 60 degress, saturday morning, and raining. Maybe this is good salamander breeding weather??? Well, i'll send in the report later on tonight.
  3. NJSnakeMan

    Some recent NJ Herptiles

    Thanks Dave! About the marbled salamander- the males generally have white crossbands, where in the females they tend to be a more grayish dusky looking color...? Wanted to know whether this is reliable enough to determine it's sex. I want to record the ammount of males VS females i find in this...
  4. NJSnakeMan

    Some recent NJ Herptiles

    I visited this new spot i mentioned earlier about 3 times now. Here are my reports. Day1 - 1 rough green snake (lifer) Day 2 - 8 northern water snakes - 1 eastern garter snake - 1 common snapping turtle - 2 turtles - + sliders, redbellys, painted turtles - + green frogs and...
  5. NJSnakeMan

    Double Trouble State Park

    I got out saturday as well to a pond i just began checking out (if you remember i found my green snake there) I found: 8 Northern Water snakes 1 Eastern Garter snake + Redbelly turtles + E.painted turtles 2 Red eared sliders 2 Eastern box turtles 1 common snapping turtle +...
  6. NJSnakeMan

    15 timbers found in the pines!!

    Before i even clicked on the link, i was going nuts. 14-15 TIMBER RATTLERS. AND 5 PINE SNAKES. That's unheard of!!! But i was really, really, REALLY disapointed when i didn't see any photos what so ever. He said the story will be in the reptiles magazine, my friend gets those in, so i'll check...
  7. NJSnakeMan

    No Copperheads in the Pines?

    Bob, good luck at the Gap sunday night.
  8. NJSnakeMan

    No Copperheads in the Pines?

    "There is no region I know that holds so much and yields so little as the Barrens, yet repeateded failure here serves only to strengthen determination. The true Pine Barrens addict never gives in to discouragement or frustration. He is like a gambler who, after repeated losses, still continues...
  9. NJSnakeMan

    No Copperheads in the Pines?

    Maybe it's because the northern ssp prefers a more rockier habitat? But then again, why wouldn't the southern ssp be in south jersey then??????? This one has me really thinking now. Like woodjin said, maybe the deleware river???
  10. NJSnakeMan

    Rough green snake!

    I tried looking up on that- came out empty. Only thing close enough i found is that they have communal egg laying sites. Something i never knew before! Oh yeah- i wanted to ask you. Since radio tracking systems cost to much for me, i decided to do it the cheap way! Is it okay to mark the...
  11. NJSnakeMan

    Fish dead from the drought!!

    I remember of my friend Al (he use to be on this site, haven't talked to him forawhile, wusup man you still out there or what?!?!) and he told me about some lake that dried up due to a drought. Said there were dozens of water snakes down there picking off easy meals.
  12. NJSnakeMan

    Maurcie River System

    Anyone know of any parks or spots to hike in and around the maurcie river or it's tributes? I've been wanting to check out this river system for awhile now. Closest i've been was at the Manumuskin River Preserve, but i was at some reservior and nature trails.
  13. NJSnakeMan

    Day at Manumuskin Nature Preserve

    hmm...funny, i was thinking about heading out to find some box turtles today too! I'm not sure where in Manumuskin you went, i usually go down this one trail and it eventually opens up to some kind of reservior. Around the area are drift fences set up by biologists for pine snakes.
  14. NJSnakeMan

    Rough green snake!

    Thanks guys, i'm going to check back at this spot maybe next week?? I figured there should be a hibernation den near by, according to my field guides green snakes should be hibernating by now! So he shouldn't be far from a den.
  15. NJSnakeMan

    Rough green snake!
  16. NJSnakeMan

    Here is an nteresting snake photo

    Burmese Python are well established in isolated parts of FL now. A lot of them were released because they got to big for pets, there are a lot of other introduced species in FL as well. Too many to name.
  17. NJSnakeMan

    The Timber aka "Pine" Rattlesnake

    they are venomous, whether or not how venomous they are- dosen't matter. every venomous snake should be treated equally. away from that.. timber rattlesnakes are very docile ( the ones found in NJ ) To get bitten, you would of have to been really screwing with the snake. I don't know if...
  18. NJSnakeMan

    The Timber aka "Pine" Rattlesnake

    Oh yeah- his den site was buldozed. The last rattlesnake was actually a dead one, found near the den site with it's tail (and maybe head) cut off. It was the last time he's ever returned to Mt.Misery, it was too sad for him to see. But his friend claims to have found 2 baby rattlesnakes in his...