Search results

  1. NJSnakeMan

    The Timber aka "Pine" Rattlesnake

    Yeah when he brought the girl back to see the rattler was the last time he's found a rattlesnake at mt.misery. The first time seeing a rattlesnake for him- he was out collecting moss and ran across a rattlesnake on the trail. After bagging it, he found 3 more withing a 15 foot radius. From what...
  2. NJSnakeMan

    The Timber aka "Pine" Rattlesnake

    Sounds similiar to Carl Kauffeld's rattlesnake encounter! Have you read that book? I just got it and read it for 2 1/2 HRs straight. It makes me want to get over in the Pines and herp right now.
  3. NJSnakeMan

    The Timber aka "Pine" Rattlesnake

    Has anyone ever found a wild Timber Rattlesnake in the Pine Barrens? Just interested in hearing stories!
  4. NJSnakeMan

    Eastern Hognose snake

    If i'm not mistaken, that's where i found my Red Salamander
  5. NJSnakeMan

    Chiggered Again

    Go to belleplain state forest, i've personally been there, read and know from experience that is one BAD chigger spot. Clumps and clumps of them, couldn't even herp, let alone hike. Ruined my damn camping trip!
  6. NJSnakeMan

    Hunting Pine Snake

    yeah....... i've hiked this park for 5 years- first time i've gotten them here. I think i only got about 5 bites because i took my pants off when the first got on me- you know when you look down and see those balls of evil
  7. NJSnakeMan

    Hunting Pine Snake

    About chiggers... the past 5 weeks i've been getting them... week after week after week. Over and over! I finially got rid of them and went hiking last saturday in a location i've never gotten chiggers before. Well wouldn't you know? It was my lucky day... coming out of some brush i peared down...
  8. NJSnakeMan


    could it get any worse?
  9. NJSnakeMan


    Yes, the common musk turtles are the ones that usually have the two light strips...but in the NJ Field Guide, for Mud Turtle it states "...occasional individuals may have yellow streaks.." To me, the main differences are in the face/beak structure. The musk turtles i've found have a somewhat...
  10. NJSnakeMan

    Mud ..sorry best shots i could get, i'm pretty sure it's an Eastern mud by it's head.. anyone, feel free to beg to differ.
  11. NJSnakeMan

    Chigger and Ticks repellant

    I've got them several of times, but this time i had enough of sick of chiggers,ticks,misquitos,pine flys,gnats...whatever the hell that bites you! I'm sick of it all!!!! the way i bought that Sulfer stuff, should come in soon.
  12. NJSnakeMan

    Chigger and Ticks repellant

    how much is this product?
  13. NJSnakeMan

    A few finds here and there

    oh god... 50, i wish i had that many.. if you ever go to Belleplain State Forest, i am telling you STAY ON THE TRAILS. I have about 200 chigger bites approx, where ever i walked there were these little brown looking clumps appearing on my jeans and legs.. CHIGGERS! I could post pictures but i...
  14. NJSnakeMan

    A few finds here and there Not much too exciting... but i did get over 200 chigger bites! =D 5th week now with them, i just about had enough! Anyone know of any good bug juice that keeps them off? Or anyway to prevent...
  15. NJSnakeMan

    Hiking in the Pines

    uuglypher, im sorry about the large sizes ill remember to resize em . . you could always look on my site because my new pictures are always up there. In the "reptiles" section i added a new water snake picture and new northern ringneck picture.
  16. NJSnakeMan

    Hiking in the Pines I'll have more snake pictures up soon -Brandon
  17. NJSnakeMan

    Help with spider ID

    I've seen those spiders, some can get BIG! I beleive it is some kind of Orb Weaver Spider.
  18. NJSnakeMan

    Website Update tell me what ya think -brandon
  19. NJSnakeMan

    Backyard frog pix

    suresue, in this website you can find what your frog looked like along with the sound the frog calls.
  20. NJSnakeMan

    Toad Identification

    had fowler's when i was younger inside. did fine.