Search results

  1. woodjin

    The Sleeper; a kayaking adventure

    For some time Gabe (pinelandpaddler) and myself had been discussing a kayak exploration on a portion of the Sleeper branch that neither of us had kayaked in the past. The Sleeper has interested both of us for sometime. It remains today as one of the most remote watersheds in the barrens. We...
  2. woodjin

    Herman City film

    I don't know who this youtube poster is but I suspect we probably know him. He has alot of footage of the Herman city hotel before and during the fire. IF you click on his name you can see he has alot of interesting videos. Jeff
  3. woodjin

    The call of the wild

    My new house resides on the boarder of Whaton SF. and behind me is about 200-300 acres of privately owned woods. Beyond that is farmland. I have been hearing coyote yelps in the night from the yard, but there are some dogs about a mile away that also make some distant noise at the same time...
  4. woodjin

    A surpise downstairs

    I recently moved into a new house (new for me the house is abbout 30yo). anyway, I was moving some stuff around downstairs (it is a bi-level) and under a floor lamp I was surpised to find a small garter snake. This amused me to no end. It was only about 7" long and didn't even try to bite me...
  5. woodjin

    The Batsto and Mullica

    I found this while surfing the net and found it interesting. Most of it will be common knowledge to alot of people here on the site but it might be new information for some. One thing that surprised me is that they located 1000 known sites of pre-historical communities in the pine barrens. I...
  6. woodjin

    GPS advice

    All right. Despite my reluctance to take modern technology into the woods I am considering getting a GPS unit. My natural sense of direction and the map and compass stand by has led me out of the deep woods on many an occasion but I figured I'd give this GPS thing a shot. Even though it is...
  7. woodjin

    The Jersey Devil Story as told by his cousin

    I was talking to a neighbor of mine (John) that I speak with seldomly. He wanted a copy of my album, 'Leeds Devil Blues'. He came to me the next day after getting the album and surprised me with some interesting information. It turns out he is a cousin in the Leeds family and he actually...
  8. woodjin

    remote bogs

    Due to scheduling changes I was able to get out in the woods later today. I went fishing. I revisited some old bogs I hadn't been to in 10 to 12 years. Once i got there I remembered why...not many fish. However, it is an amazing area. This place is a strong contender for one of the most...
  9. woodjin

    Father's Day

    This past Sunday was my first Father's Day. My wife and I took the little guy (Jack) to Oswego lake for his first cedar water experience. I like this shot. I was in about thigh high water put it got cut off in the pic. You can clearly see he approves!!! His first toe dipping...
  10. woodjin

    The Great Egg Harbor River with the Pinelands Commission

    I might have mentioned before that I have a friend in the pinelands commission. She invited me to join her and her co-workers, and her fiance (also a friend), who happens to be a burlington county prosecutor, so I had to watch my step.:rofl: for a kayak trip down the Great Egg Harbor River...
  11. woodjin

    A big Disapointment

    Not really PB related (well, kind of) but I just had to vent my frustration. I was about to move from my house near Mt. Misery to Chatsworth. It was a real nice house on 2 acres completely boarded by the Franklin Parker Preserve. In fact, except for a horse farm across the street, there...
  12. woodjin

    Ebay book
  13. woodjin

    A clearing in the woods

    I was looking over ariel photos when I noticed an interesting clearing in Lebanon not far from me. No apparent road access (although some roads don't show up on ariel photos) Looked like sugar sand with lichens growing on them, and a cleared field of some sort. I started wondering if it might...
  14. woodjin

    Shameless self promotion

    A cut from my album titled "Spring Hill", will be played on the Down Jersey Radio program tomorrow (Wednesday, march 21st) between 7:30 and 9:00 pm. It is on a couple stations locally (I don't know which because I can't get them where I am) and also on the internet radio at
  15. woodjin


    I visited some bogs on Saturday that Bob had suggested I try fishing. Not much luck fishing but further attempts will be needed to fully explore the fishing potential of the area. Beautiful area. While back there I met a guy and engaged in some converstion. He expressed an impressive...
  16. woodjin

    woodpecker and property stone

    This sign appears in Lebanon SF near the ranger station. It must be working because shortly after seeing the sign I spotted this little guy. There was what appears to be a broken property marker near the sign. Note the sandstone near the concreate marker. Guy, I am sure you are...
  17. woodjin


    In the woods this morning I saw a few trees with these heavy cacoon infestations. I have seen these cacoons before but never quite so concentrated and numerous. Jeff
  18. woodjin

    youtube video

    I found this on Youtube. I have been using this road alot the past few weeks. It is the road that runs from Atsion to the wescoat bogs and eventually to Constable bridge. I mentioned in another thread somewhere that there was alot of water and this video taken recently shows that. It is...