2019 First Day Hikes

Zach McGarvey

Feb 11, 2018
Woodbury / Vineland NJ
Information for this coming new years day's planned guided hikes has been posted on the state's website.


I'd like to do the Hampton to Atsion hike. I wonder if they will go down Riders Switch and then follow the tracks part of the way? That area around the trestle and the South end of Riders Switch feels like some of the remotest in Wharton, especially now that it's pretty much impossible to drive to.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
That area around the trestle and the South end of Riders Switch feels like some of the remotest in Wharton, especially now that it's pretty much impossible to drive to.
Zach, did they close Riders Switch? Or is the road just bad? I haven't been there in a while. It's a long hike to the RR.

Zach McGarvey

Feb 11, 2018
Woodbury / Vineland NJ
There's been a giant mud hole a few hundred feet from Hampton Rd that was passable if you had a big, tall vehicle. But sometime during last winter a tree fell down across the hole and completely blocked access. Last time I was there in the summer, there were tracks from some sort of bulldozer that was used to plow the road, but the tree was left there. Beyond that point the road is fine, all the way to the tracks. It seems like they are leaving it intentionally blocked.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
It seems like they are leaving it intentionally blocked.
That is one way to block access without making it official. Big trees make narrow roads impassible. On the other hand, if hunters need access, I've noticed they chainsaw fallen trees or create a new go-around. Which is fine with me, because I like access too, if the road is legal.

92 Blazer Jeff

Aug 24, 2015
Zach, did they close Riders Switch? Or is the road just bad? I haven't been there in a while. It's a long hike to the RR.
I was out to Rider Switch in the spring and the road was fine, just some puddles didn't need 4 WD. I parked at the end and walked the tracks to Quarter Mile. I would like to get out that way again if it ever stops raining.

92 Blazer Jeff

Aug 24, 2015
Maybe you were through there before the big tree came down? Last time i visited, it was completely blocked, and that was late summer or early fall.
Could be, if I go I will take my little homlite chain saw. I used it this summer to clear blow downs on the Mullica river in my kayak just below pleasant mills put in.


Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
(Switching back from chainsaw oil to first day hikes...)

Eric, the hike leader for the Bass River State Forest First Day Hike at Warren Grove Recreation Area, needs more people to sign up and go on his hike through the Little Pine Plains. The starting point is Beaver Dam Rd and Radio Tower Rd at 1:00pm. I do not know where he will go from there, but he said the hike will include a hill with a really great view all around. You can call the Bass River SF office at 609-296-1114 (Mon - Sat 8am-4pm, Sun 10am-4pm) to register. Tell them how many people you are bringing, and then show up! What else is there to do on 1/1?

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
Maybe you were through there before the big tree came down? Last time i visited, it was completely blocked, and that was late summer or early fall.
FWIW I was at Rider's and Hampton yesterday. The road is flooded, went down a bit, didn't see any tree blocking my way, just lack of a small water craft!! If anyone is travelling Glossy Spung, it is flooded in several spots also if you weren't already aware, some are quite deep but flat.


Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
DEP news release on First Day Hikes: https://www.nj.gov/dep/newsrel/2018/18_0110.htm
Mark Texel, Assistant Director of the State Park Service: "The free hikes offer an incentive to get outside and exercise, experience history, enjoy nature and celebrate 2019 with friends and family in one of your state parks".

It's not too late to sign up... Weather looks OK, mostly cloudy, chance of showers, hi 56! (for Bass River area) Last year we had 8 - 18 degrees, remember?