9th annual pine barrens cleanup!


New Member
Aug 20, 2010

dude i can't sleep since last night... i always get worked up until we are at the pic and the last prize is doled out


Sep 14, 2008
atlantic county
As long as my Jeep behaves, I have no problem being a trail guide if you need me to be.

Relax dude! You know this thing always goes well, thanks to you and everyone else who has a hand in it.

And Dave....if he has a female friend with him...you are welcome to ride with me...

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Thatnks for the offers guys. I got a call from one of my buddies last night who wants to come out with his f-350 (8ft bed) and trailer( about 15'x8'). So we will guide some jeeps out. Mike if you need any help that morning I do whatever I can. Organizing groups, or whatever. I'll help. I got a loued mouth and know a majority of the people who will be attending. i can't wait. Clean woods, pic wings, and a couple gallons of beer. BRING IT ON!!!!!


Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
I hope to be there. I'll be bringing my F150 crew cab. Will I have any problems with this long wheel base truck in the pines?? (It's fairly new, so I really don't want any piney pinstripes yet! LOL!!)



mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Chris. Try to flag me down when you get there. I will make sure that you get put into a group that is taking care of wider trails.. Your pickup bed is needed. you could go out with a group of jeeps and accompish quite a bit. I'd welcome you to join us but we are already going to have massive amounts of room for trash, I'm sure youre pickup will be well needed elsewheres.
Just look for a 200 lb 5'11" white guy witjh a backwards hat and some peircings probably running around like a not. I will be with my buddy who has a blue and white early 90s ford with a landscaping type trailer on the back. maybe I'll wear my "mudboy" hooded sweatshirt.


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
I'm loading up my heep now...no deep water for me ..i just ate 1500 dollars in learned lesson

from last year

i'll be at cabin 7 tonight

gonna get there at 3

heading to wallmart first for food etc ..so i don't have to lug my cooler on top of all the other crap i have

dave i haven't been out in a long time so you can lead in my jeep on sunday..

i have 1 other swb with me and your friend his trailer...so 1 or 2 more vehicles and we are gold

you have my number call me tonight after i get settled in

we'll be the last out and do atco and west of 206 first load out if that's cool with you

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
That works for me. That is the area that I'm most familiar with. Tremont, Burnt Mill and the branches off are all pretty bad. Across from the old bog about a halfmile down burnt mill from Tremont has probavbly 20-30 dump truck tires that have been there for years. Also Fleming Pike on the West side of Chew Road has a couch and other house hold supplies dumped off of it. I would like to see Russ in our group as well.


Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
Chris. Try to flag me down when you get there. I will make sure that you get put into a group that is taking care of wider trails.. Your pickup bed is needed. you could go out with a group of jeeps and accompish quite a bit. I'd welcome you to join us but we are already going to have massive amounts of room for trash, I'm sure youre pickup will be well needed elsewheres.
Just look for a 200 lb 5'11" white guy witjh a backwards hat and some peircings probably running around like a not. I will be with my buddy who has a blue and white early 90s ford with a landscaping type trailer on the back. maybe I'll wear my "mudboy" hooded sweatshirt.

Dave, I'll look for ya. If ya can,keep an eye out for a 2 tone blue & tan F150. That'll be me.


Feb 4, 2009
a village...in the pines
Hi all....

We have maps and marked sites, bags and dumpsters and everything else we need. Remember, that aside from large items it is perfectly acceptable for your group to take a section of trashed road, or a party spot in the woods and fill up smaller bags with bottles and cans. These items also create an "eyesore" landscape within the pines. No trash is worth leaving around for the sake of only hauling in big items.

Tomorrow is a day to accomplish what this event is all about.... appreciation for the lands we share. Unfortunately there will always be trash (large and small) to pick up. And I, for one, appreciate all of you who make it a point to clean up year round as well as the 4th Sunday in October!

Thanks to the folk who contribute behind the scenes to coordinate, set up, and who organize the many donations for this event. Every year more of you join in and it continues to get better. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for a successful day in the Pines.

Make sure to say hi when you sign in!



Nov 21, 2008
Chris. Try to flag me down when you get there. I will make sure that you get put into a group that is taking care of wider trails.. Your pickup bed is needed. you could go out with a group of jeeps and accompish quite a bit. I'd welcome you to join us but we are already going to have massive amounts of room for trash, I'm sure youre pickup will be well needed elsewheres.
Just look for a 200 lb 5'11" white guy witjh a backwards hat and some peircings probably running around like a not. I will be with my buddy who has a blue and white early 90s ford with a landscaping type trailer on the back. maybe I'll wear my "mudboy" hooded sweatshirt.
dave find me in the morning , i should be there just before 9 and my jeep is john deer green now its not black no more lol

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
about 120 cubic yards of debris. probably well over 100 tires. a small pile of metal small pile of hazardous waste and over 300 people I'd say it was a pretty damn good day. I lead a small group to a spot off of burnt mill which consisted of 18 dump truck tires. We also hit burnt mill rd itself, from pavement down to about Tremont. At this point we had a 12' X 8" trailer and a 8 foot bed full of crap so we headed to the dumpsters. At this point I heard one of the worst areas still wasn't hit yet. (dirt Jackson in Medford by Cedar Run). So once we unloaded the trailer we headed on back there. within 20 mins we had about 20 tires off of the side of dirt Jackson. We then headed in to the woods by the pole lines back there. Within 15 mins we had another full trailer and 8 foot bed. The sad thing was that to accomplish that we only got half of a pile out of the 3-4 plies that are out there. Just that area alone could fill a 40 cubic yard dumpster. so if anyone else who was out ther still knows of some bad areas post it up so we can try to get them on some of the smaller cleanups through out the year.
It was also great to see some people off of here. Chrisr, it was great meeting you and having you and your son in our group. I look forward to spenfding more time with yall, hopefully at the Pumpkin Run Show. Oji, it was great meeting you. Largo definately had me laughing now that someone is short a bag of chips. Turtle, it's always great tio see you. Devilstoy, great seeing you again, we gotta get together in the future and put back some cold ones. Gipsie you were also a great asset to our group.
One sad thing was I contacted a bunch of media, about 5 newspapers anbd I know someone contacted NJN,. I find it very dissapointing that not a single one showed up to this event. I guess it is true that they only want to publish negative articles. I guess some people/ companies will always be scumbags. I just wish that when people go down the trails today and see a cleaner Wharton State Forest, they would know where it came from. It came from a huge group of people that have one common interest. They all love the woods for one reason or the other!!


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
about 120 cubic yards of debris. probably well over 100 tires. a small pile of metal small pile of hazardous waste and over 300 people I'd say it was a pretty damn good day.........................
I just wish that when people go down the trails today and see a cleaner Wharton State Forest, they would know where it came from. It came from a huge group of people that have one common interest. They all love the woods for one reason or the other!!

Dave and to all who helped clean up the woods this weekend a big thanks. Hundreds, probably thousands of people appreciate the efforts you guys put out this weekend.


Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
Had a great time yesterday cleaning the big woods. This was my first ever "Clean up" and I was in awe at the turn out!!! It was good to meet Dave and family. Dave, let me know how the video comes out. Hope to get together with you at the Pumpkin Run!!! Hope Dakota feels better soon too. Dan & Aaron, good to meet you guys too, and some impressive trailer towing there Dan!! Oji, always a pleasure my friend. And seeing Largo was and always is a pleasant surprise. And last but never least, I had the best co-pilot with Gipsie!!! What a character!!! I guess our "One Fingered" enduro rider DID see the concrete, huh?? LOL!! I also know what "Ford Tough" is now, by hauling out 2 eight foot long utility poles!! Enjoyed every minute with the crew I was with and can't wait to do it again. Maybe instead of just once a year cleaning up, twice would be better???

Oh yeah, it was nice to meet Mike who organized this whole thing!!

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Chris, I do believe another cleanup may be needed with what we encountered later iin the afternoon in the Medford area of Wharton. It may not need to be such large scale. One of the groups that gipsie belongs to has a few smaller scale cleanups in Wharton. I plan on attending these and also my buddy dan with his trailer. Also keep in mind the Forked River Mountain Cleanup in April I believe. Oh and I'll relay your message to dan and Aaron. Neither are on this board.


Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
What an idiot. To come by us at about 50+ mph catching air and shooting rocks. Ashamed to admit but the illegal ATV riders that where by us were more considerate than this guy.

I have to agree with ya. The ATV riders showed more consideration and respect than Mr. Enduro rider.

I could go on about our "friend", but tis not the thread to be doing that in.