about 120 cubic yards of debris. probably well over 100 tires. a small pile of metal small pile of hazardous waste and over 300 people I'd say it was a pretty damn good day. I lead a small group to a spot off of burnt mill which consisted of 18 dump truck tires. We also hit burnt mill rd itself, from pavement down to about Tremont. At this point we had a 12' X 8" trailer and a 8 foot bed full of crap so we headed to the dumpsters. At this point I heard one of the worst areas still wasn't hit yet. (dirt Jackson in Medford by Cedar Run). So once we unloaded the trailer we headed on back there. within 20 mins we had about 20 tires off of the side of dirt Jackson. We then headed in to the woods by the pole lines back there. Within 15 mins we had another full trailer and 8 foot bed. The sad thing was that to accomplish that we only got half of a pile out of the 3-4 plies that are out there. Just that area alone could fill a 40 cubic yard dumpster. so if anyone else who was out ther still knows of some bad areas post it up so we can try to get them on some of the smaller cleanups through out the year.
It was also great to see some people off of here. Chrisr, it was great meeting you and having you and your son in our group. I look forward to spenfding more time with yall, hopefully at the Pumpkin Run Show. Oji, it was great meeting you. Largo definately had me laughing now that someone is short a bag of chips. Turtle, it's always great tio see you. Devilstoy, great seeing you again, we gotta get together in the future and put back some cold ones. Gipsie you were also a great asset to our group.
One sad thing was I contacted a bunch of media, about 5 newspapers anbd I know someone contacted NJN,. I find it very dissapointing that not a single one showed up to this event. I guess it is true that they only want to publish negative articles. I guess some people/ companies will always be scumbags. I just wish that when people go down the trails today and see a cleaner Wharton State Forest, they would know where it came from. It came from a huge group of people that have one common interest. They all love the woods for one reason or the other!!