A Look Inside Lenape Farms WMA


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Yes Bob it's tidal right up to the lake

I assume you mean Stephen Lake?

I mentioned this in another thread, but in looking at the Hartman maps I learned that Maple Lake was originally called "Naomi Pond" after the Naomi Steelman sawmill that was located there. That name doesn't appear on any of the historic USGS topo maps or on the 19th century Cook topo either. In fact, none of those maps even show a lake at this location, so I had assumed it was something relatively recent. If you look at the USGS 24k topo's, Maple Lake is one of the revisions (drawn in purple ink) on the Dorothy quadrangle, appearing sometime in the 1970's IIRC.

I think the substantial foundations next to the parking lot on the east side of the Maple Lake dam must have been the sawmill, although there is no evidence of that structure on any of the historic topo maps either. According to Hartman, the Mill was there in 1800, but I guess it was gone by the late 19th century.

Also interesting to see that little pond is named "Medary Pond". Haven't seen that name anywhere before either.

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Toothy Critter

I wonder, is it tidal all the way up to the lake at Mays Landing?

I would think that to really explore it, a small motor boat would be preferable to a kayak.

Nowhere in Boyds outline is remotely close to being tidal. The outlet of Stevens Lake is controlled flow. Yes, the flow up to Mays landing is tidal but the area in question has little to do with that. Maple and Stevens are electric motors only, and, both have boat access.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
It is tidal up to Stephens Lake and it is also tidal up to lake Lenape. South River is Tidal to beyond route 50 and even beyond 11th avenue though at that point the water is fresh and tidal influences are quite small. No it is not tidal to Maple Lake because the dam at Stephens lake puts and end to the tides.
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Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I meant Lake Lenape. That's why I said "May's Landing".

I was a bit confused by this too. It seemed like you were talking about the area East of Route 50 instead of the Lenape Farms property / Maple Lake WMA. There are around 20,000 acres of contiguous openspace along the Great Egg Harbor River basin South of Mays Landing, including the Atlantic County Park at Estell Manor, where some impressive ruins are hidden in the dense laurel thickets. :)
