I spent quite a bit of time today working on my brothers computer. First, my day before going there and then later I will comment on how my computer day went.
I was meeting him at his place at 7 AM and before then I wanted to retrieve my game camera which was out for two weeks. I am trying different locations trying to come up with a place to keep it this summer. Anyway, on the way down Route 70 I ran over a pet rabbit that was crossing the road with another pet rabbit. The day could not get any worse.
Tabernacle before sunrise.
When I arrived near the location I found that the FFS did a prescribed burn in the area and I had concerns my camera went up in smoke. Fortunately, my tree is slightly out of the woods but it was close.
Happy that I still had a camera I brought it home and loaded the files in and every one of them had something interesting to see.
More on the computer later.