Made a trip out to Apple Pie Hill on Friday night and once again the tower was smashed. I know it's happed a couple times already, but this one looked pretty bad. The rangers, or whoever, left the light on I guess to try and keep people away and we could clearly see all the windows smashed and spray paint all over the place. There was some stuff smashed down below, but I'm not sure if that was from the tower. And there's usually stuff smashed down there all the time anyway, it could have been from a while ago. While up there, enjoying the view of the low lying clouds in the light from the tower, I also noticed that one of the crossmembers was almost completely cut in half from bolt cutters I guess. The door on the bottom was still locked, so I don't know if the kids climbed in around on the outside, or the rangers locked it back up. It's a shame. Eventually this tower is going to be knocked over, destoryed, or the state is going to take it down to keep from having to fix it. I think they should just put a huge fence around it and maybe you can go up when the rangers are there.