Apple Pie Hill Tower Smashed Again


Sep 14, 2008
atlantic county
Well we can make a guess at a minimum age for Mike. I do not know the answer to this question. When did the use of carbon papers for the fishing license become obsolete?

Good point! And I used to be the detective??? But I wouldn't know the answer to that question. But am curious to find out what it may be


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
When did the use of carbon papers for the fishing license become obsolete?

I'd take a guess of around 5-6 years ago. The law regarding the info for child support was passed in 1998. The automated system did not come into being at that time. First the license agents became automated, but you had to supply them with the info. Later they added the online system where you could enter your data at home. I'd have to check my licenses to get a more accurate time period.


Jan 3, 2010
collings lakes
as recent victms of ID theft, the ease and thoughtlessness is kind of scary. I had never thought about somebody just changing a number or two to "protect" their own ID. I figured it was the "criminal element" (for lack of a better term) doing it for ill gotten gain at the expense of innocent parties. this person has no idea what the innocent parties have to go through to protect their ID and accounts. shame on him!


New Member
Jan 25, 2010
what the heck,

are we talking about the pine barrens or identity theft, i thought maybe i was in the wrong forum


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Mike, I've gotta say that I'm a little disappointed by the behavior of some people in this thread as well. That doesn't mean I support falsifying SS numbers. But I think there's a more polite way for people to explain why this is a bad thing to do...

Seems like this thread has run its course anyway. Good candidate for the slag heap.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
Social security numbers are not very secret anyway. See Schneier on Security for an interesting discussion thread. Your chances of hitting a valid number by digit substitution are probably around 1 in 4, and the chances of that number identifying someone who is of legal age and has purchasing power would be about 2 in 4. Not terribly long odds, but not a guaranteed win either.

If you don't want to give your number on a form, and don't want to compromise anyone else, just change the area code (the first three digits) to a value in an unused range. Currently anything above 773 is unused.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Posted a picture of ss card they found while hiking. Wow, it's true ask Ben. I can't remember who it was & even if I could it wouldn't be right to jump all over him on the forum so I pm Ben about. So there is at least one really ignorant individual in your tight little group. But that's O.K. because he's in your click. I did enjoy this site for a short time but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. That person knows who they are. Ben do me a favor and wipe me off this site. Mike :ghost:

Settle down Mike....easy. I was reading this thread. It was an honest mistake. When you said that..."And technically I wasn't using a # to defraud someone, just protecting my identity".....what you really meant was...."I wasn't thinking right at the time...I was blinded by the urge to protect my identity."


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Okay, I was going to jump in earlier but there are people on the site who believe in free speech no matter what. In any event, lets all relax and think about some little incident or comment in our own past that we may not be proud of, and put ourselves in Mike's shoes. I bet you are glad you didn't happen to post it on the internet where the world can read about it.


Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
Getting back on track... I stopped by APH yesterday afternoon and I was amazed at how bad that place has gotten. I probably haven't been there in about a year and a half, and it's gotten so much worse in that time. Every section of the wooden guardrail has been covered in graffiti as well as every rail and cross-member on the tower. Not to mention the trash scattered about. It's a real disgrace. As I made the climb to the top, I found bent and twisted rails, and a few were even loose. Looks like a serious lack of maintenance.

Is the tower even being used any more? The Master lock on the cab looks to have a broken key in it or something. None of mine would even slide in. It seems somebody tried to cut it off, though! IMHO, I for one wouldn't mind if it got fenced in. Especially if it's not being used. Maybe it would deter the vandals and prevent further degradation. It's a shame to see a place that holds so many good memories fall into decay like this. I'd be embarrassed to bring an out-of-state friend up there now, like I did a year and a half ago. Guess we'll have to find another point of interest.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was looking for a place to have our annual cleanup this year and it looks like Apple Pie Hill is probably a good choice.

They just did one a few weeks back, and I am sure the state would not allow you to work on the tower or the wooded rails. I would suggest you use your good intentions on a different location. It seems to me it would be a waste of time there.



Sep 14, 2008
atlantic county
They just did one a few weeks back, and I am sure the state would not allow you to work on the tower or the wooded rails. I would suggest you use your good intentions on a different location. It seems to me it would be a waste of time there.


Yeah I guess you are right. We did a clean up there a few years back and it was a mess again within a couple of weeks....


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
I can't remember a time (40 years now) when APH was not trashed to some extent, although it has gotten worse recently. I still cleanup a bit whenever I am there, and don't feel that it's a waste of time, but I know thatt any improvement I make is becoming increasingly more short-lived. I have also recently seen, on more than one occassion, monster trucks driving down the hill towards the Batona Trail (or on it) which has really scarred the backside of the hill and just don't understand why the state has not done enough to stop these activities.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
I hiked through Apple Pie Fire Tower today and I'm sorry to have to report to the folks here who generously gave of their time and effort to clean that site up that it has been thoroughly trashed again. There's beer bottles and garbage strewn all over the place, all kinds of household items smashed on the ground, there are charred remains of two bond fires and fresh graffiti everywhere. I think it's the worst I've ever seen it. It looks like an empty lot in an inner city where drunks and crack heads loiter.

As a frequent user of the Batona Trail, I'm grateful to the people who regularly clean that site up and I always try and carry some bottles & cans out with me when I hike through there. If nobody ever picked up any of the trash, I think Apple Pie Hill would eventually turn into a landfill. Clean up is good, but ultimately the answer to the problem is to deter the people who are regularly going back there to party and trash the place. They need to experience some negative consequences for their actions.