I thought I would pass on some info I have acquired on the property's in the immediate area of Atsion Lake at 206. Hopefully, you find it interesting. It is hard to read the info, so I may have the lots somewhat out of order. All of the info is from the mid 50's so it is not up to date.
There were 5 lots that the state was not able to acquire on Atsion road at 206. These lots are the homes that presently are there across from the lake. These lots have very small frontage but run semi deep behind the houses.
Starting with the lot closest to 206 here is what I know. It was purchased on August 8, 1947 by Florence V. and Pickett (sp?) B. Russell from Thomas W. and Mildred E. Fauver.
The next lot was purchased by John R Wells and Nora I Wells from George Kell on May 24, 1941.
The next lot which is the biggest was purchased by Norman E. Adams from Maud C. Kell on September 13, 1951.
The next lot was purchased by James Adams Sr. along with Blanche and Norman Adams and Helen (no last name) on Jan 17 or 19, 1950 from John Etheridge and Mamie Sallie and Florence Miller.
The final lot was owned in the mid 50's by John Wells but there was no deed. (Whats up with that!) There was a previous deed for Andrew and Phoebe Etheridge to Theodore Kell on July 23, 1907 or 1909. It appears there may have been something odd with this one because the state acquired it eventually.
Across 206 on Quaker Bridge road we obviously have the church property, but there also are 3 others on that side of the "Atsion River" as it was called then. The three property's are or were the Gloucester Gun Club lot, the Cavileer lot, and the Giberson lot.
I have the property coordinates if anyone is interested. If anyone wants I can plot them on an aerial map and post the property locations. I know there have been questions before about what property is private in that area, and I now know the answer to that.
Also, on the other side of the river adjacent to the location of where the Atsion Train Station was, there is a .2196 acre property that was owned by Huen J Phillips. I have no idea if the state owns that now or not. I would assume so.
I thought I would pass on some info I have acquired on the property's in the immediate area of Atsion Lake at 206. Hopefully, you find it interesting. It is hard to read the info, so I may have the lots somewhat out of order. All of the info is from the mid 50's so it is not up to date.
There were 5 lots that the state was not able to acquire on Atsion road at 206. These lots are the homes that presently are there across from the lake. These lots have very small frontage but run semi deep behind the houses.
Starting with the lot closest to 206 here is what I know. It was purchased on August 8, 1947 by Florence V. and Pickett (sp?) B. Russell from Thomas W. and Mildred E. Fauver.
The next lot was purchased by John R Wells and Nora I Wells from George Kell on May 24, 1941.
The next lot which is the biggest was purchased by Norman E. Adams from Maud C. Kell on September 13, 1951.
The next lot was purchased by James Adams Sr. along with Blanche and Norman Adams and Helen (no last name) on Jan 17 or 19, 1950 from John Etheridge and Mamie Sallie and Florence Miller.
The final lot was owned in the mid 50's by John Wells but there was no deed. (Whats up with that!) There was a previous deed for Andrew and Phoebe Etheridge to Theodore Kell on July 23, 1907 or 1909. It appears there may have been something odd with this one because the state acquired it eventually.
Across 206 on Quaker Bridge road we obviously have the church property, but there also are 3 others on that side of the "Atsion River" as it was called then. The three property's are or were the Gloucester Gun Club lot, the Cavileer lot, and the Giberson lot.
I have the property coordinates if anyone is interested. If anyone wants I can plot them on an aerial map and post the property locations. I know there have been questions before about what property is private in that area, and I now know the answer to that.
Also, on the other side of the river adjacent to the location of where the Atsion Train Station was, there is a .2196 acre property that was owned by Huen J Phillips. I have no idea if the state owns that now or not. I would assume so.