Bass River Bigfoot

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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
You can bet he was not thinking that! Right now he is begging the local cops after getting her tag number to just give him the first letter of the town and street she lives on, and if possible the house number :D Yes sir!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
...(my Jenkins Neck Bigfoot sighting investigation continues)....I took the Tuckerton exit going 84 miles per hour with the "Monster Mash" playing full blast on the radio. Whoops! I see pine trees coming up fast! Hold on, we might go wide! I braked hard, very hard, and slid sideways into the woods on the south side of route 539. Two local piney's in a Ford 350 pulled me out of the woods, brushed me off, straightened my favorite ball cap, and I was on my way again. I decided to take Poor Mans Parkway, and a good thing too, as my left front wheel was wobbling a bit and steam was coming out of the hood in spurts. A State Cop sitting stiffly in his vehicle on the side of the road eyed me suspiciously as I shifted into 4th from 2nd, effectively stalling the toyota into a series of jerks and hiccups. I slammed it into third and took off like a bigfoot outta hell, pine trees blurring to the right and left of me as I wound her up to a whopping 96 miles per hour on the Poor Man....(to be continued).

tom m

Jan 9, 2006

i'm right there with you on that one furball1, i can still remember that as if it happened yesterday although i'm not at all leary about going into the pines it did give me a deeper respect for the pine barrens in the sense that there is no way they can possibly know about every living creature on GODS good earth !I believe in the jersey devil ,bigfoot, yeti and any other strange creature that we can't identify ,there's just to much wilderness on earth to know everything that lives on it , and thats all these creatures are ,just unidentified .
tom m said:
...and thats all these creatures are ,just unidentified .

That's not all. They are also un-caught, un-killed, un-photographed, un-found dead, un-found habitat, un-everything. To me that makes them unbelievable.


PS. If these creatures were repoted to live in the sea I may not be so skeptical. But to live in the itty bitty Pine Barrens and not be found......I don't think so.


Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
BEHR655 said:
That's not all. They are also un-caught, un-killed, un-photographed, un-found dead, un-found habitat, un-everything. To me that makes them unbelievable.


PS. If these creatures were repoted to live in the sea I may not be so skeptical. But to live in the itty bitty Pine Barrens and not be found......I don't think so.

I used to make the same argument, then I saw one. I don't really want to convince anyone I just saw it. One minute we are cooking tuna melts over the fire, I look down the trail and there goes my whole sense of what is real and what is not. it scared the hell out of me. I have five kids who I tell all the time "there is no such thing as monsters", then I see one. I don't believe in the loch ness monsters,UFOs,the Kennedy conspiracy, or ghosts. I know what I saw up there.Ask the old timers in the pines about the screams,and the red eyes. There is no Jersey Devil: horse head , bat wings, kangaroo legs. that is nonsense. Bigfoot- I saw it.


Dec 11, 2005
Easy there Steve

BEHR655 said:
That's not all. They are also un-caught, un-killed, un-photographed, un-found dead, un-found habitat, un-everything. To me that makes them unbelievable.


PS. If these creatures were repoted to live in the sea I may not be so skeptical. But to live in the itty bitty Pine Barrens and not be found......I don't think so.
Reminds me of the conversation between the atheist and the Quaker: Atheist: How can you say there is a God? Have you seen Him? Have you touched Him? Quaker: You say you have a brain--have you seen it? have you touched it? And YOU say you have a brain?

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
i'm not saying jersey devil as depicted in pine barrens lore ,metaphor ( unnamed animal ) and the pine barrens are'nt as itty bitty as you think they strecth all the way to florida
Apr 6, 2004
"Reminds me of the conversation between the atheist and the Quaker: Atheist: How can you say there is a God? Have you seen Him? Have you touched Him? Quaker: You say you have a brain--have you seen it? have you touched it? And YOU say you have a brain?"

This is not a convincing analogy. The denial of the existence of one's own brain is not at all tenable; the denial of the existence of bigfoot is not only tenable, but intellectually responsible.....or so it seems to me.


Dec 11, 2005
tom m said:
i'm not saying jersey devil as depicted in pine barrens lore ,metaphor ( unnamed animal ) and the pine barrens are'nt as itty bitty as you think they strecth all the way to florida
Intellectully speaking, right on my brother! Some of the smartest people I know ain't too bright, if you know what I mean....


Dec 11, 2005
This is not a convincing analogy. The denial of the existence of one's own brain is not at all tenable; the denial of the existence of bigfoot is not only tenable, but intellectually responsible.....or so it seems to me.[/quote]

Perhaps you missed the analogy--to the Quaker, to deny God's existence is as every bit tenable to him as it would be for an atheist to deny the existence of his own brain, just an illustration, with sarcasm in the mix, to show that everyone has a right to believe, or not to believe. My friend Tom M believes because he has had a very objective experience, shared and experienced by me ( I was there), which has no explanation other than the presence of a large "something". Tom chooses to label it, I on the other hand am not, as there was just a fleeting shadow, no footprints or other evidence. But I respect his right to believe. Whatever "it" was, the expereince scared the crap out of us!!!


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Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well here's the problem. Grendel said "I don't believe in the loch ness monsters,UFOs,the Kennedy conspiracy, or ghosts." So he doesn't believe reports from others (such as police officers, pilots, etc) who claim to have seen all of these things.

Well, I haven't seen nessie, UFO's, ghosts or bigfoot myself. Therefore I don't believe in any of them. Why would I find his report of a Bigfoot sighting anymore credible than the report of a person who claimed to see a UFO?


Dec 11, 2005
Boyd said:
Well here's the problem. Grendel said "I don't believe in the loch ness monsters,UFOs,the Kennedy conspiracy, or ghosts." So he doesn't believe reports from others (such as police officers, pilots, etc) who claim to have seen all of these things.

Well, I haven't seen nessie, UFO's, ghosts or bigfoot myself. Therefore I don't believe in any of them. Why would I find his report of a Bigfoot sighting anymore credible than the report of a person who claimed to see a UFO?
I think it is up to the individual to intellectually pursue the truth and come to his or her own conclusion about what to believe. BELIEF is not always based on intellectual honesty or credible evidence---albeit, you can be sincere about your belief, and sincerely WRONG at the same time. Now, we know there are people who believe in lots of paranormal things. We have fun classifying them as Kooks. But they believe all the same, perhaps it is EMOTIONS that determines their ability to reason--- we need to be respectful all the same. Or an expereince. Or just no reason at all---they just choose to believe. But when we deny someone's right to believe something, we are in essence telling them their beliefs do not matter, and we have the path to truth and understanding. Ostensibly, I think we have to draw the line when their beliefs hurt others or themselves---that's just the law, which thankfully intervenes in such cases. Hopefully without killing nearly everyone like the Branch Davidian case in the 90's. Anyway, I hope I'm making sense, at least I BELIEVE I am, I'm sure somebody will tell me I'm wrong...LOL!
Furball1 said:
.....But when we deny someone's right to believe something, we are in essence telling them their beliefs do not matter, and we have the path to truth and understanding..........

I don't think anyone here is denying anyone's right to believe in bigfoot. We are just exercising our right to let them know we think they're coo coo. :D

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