Dear Country Living Fair Participant,
We regret to inform you that the 2011 Batsto Country Living Fair has been cancelled. This was a joint decision made with input from BCCI, Wharton State Forest, the Atlantic County engineer’s office, NJ Park Police and the NJ State Police. The decision was made with safety being the main concern. Response time for an emergency either at Batsto or along the detour could be too long in some cases.
Hurricane Irene did extensive damage to the 2 bridges on Route 542 between the Batsto Church and Batsto and washed out a portion of the road near the intersection of RT. 542 and Pleasant Mills Road. At that point there is no traffic in either direction. The detour, through Sweetwater, Weekstown and over the Green Bank Bridge to Route 542, is along two-lane roads with no shoulders.
The detour makes a bottleneck at BelHaven Paddle Sports. Here traffic converges from Chatsworth, from Egg Harbor City and from the detour. This makes for only one entrance to Batsto and only one exit as well.
Because of the closing of Route 542, there is also no entrance into Batsto’s Lower Village where the antique engines, motors, etc. would have been located. So that portion of the Fair would have been closed regardless.
We hate to disappoint you! But your safety and our visitors’ safety is our primary concern. We are discouraged by this cancellation as well, but must make a decision that is in the best interest of our vendors and our visitors. Considering all of the circumstances we are sure that you will agree.
Thank you! We look forward to working with you on the 2012 Batsto Country Living Fair.
Carol Martynuik
Janet Worrell