Be careful out there...


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I agree it's been a major component,I don't know about advancement.I come from a long line of drunks,immediate family excepted.I have never seen anything like advancement from my drunken relatives.Sometime humorous,sometimes sad but never advanced.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
I agree it's been a major component,I don't know about advancement.I come from a long line of drunks,immediate family excepted.I have never seen anything like advancement from my drunken relatives.Sometime humorous,sometimes sad but never advanced.

Well, at least advancement in the sense that it was one of the few things you could drink before water treatment became possible. There was just enough alcohol in small ale to kill off, or I guess stupify, the harmful organisms.

Edit: by the way, Al, that was quite an operation :). I worked at an offshore oil support company in Davisville, RI back in the early 80's. 50-100 ton lifts were a daily occurrence. Walter, the crane operator, was the king of that place. He'd sit up on the crane with his oiler (whose name I can't recall, but who, come to think of it, may have been the actual king, because he got union rates and never lifted a finger as far as I saw) until some work presented itself, and then he would do the pick, and go back to sleep. If I ever thought he was drunk I wouldn't have gone anywhere near that dock.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I do admire my dog every time she drinks out of a hole that would obviously kill me. At least bad water will kill you quicker then alcohol.Alcohol is for people who can stand the suspense of waiting to see what comes after death.I've always said if your going to kill me do it quick.I am a major pain sissy.

Adam Buchler

Nov 5, 2011
Don't you need to have a certain level of blood alcohol before they F* up your life?

The head of the FAA manged to F his life up pretty well, but he was driving on the wrong side of the road...
my BAC card says that a 155lb male can have 3 drinks in an hour and still be a little under 0.08BAC....4 drinks makes it 0.081. This card is obviously just an estimate, everybody is different. Either way, I had a DUI a few years ago and its blows big time(im still making payments to the state of NJ) so if I was you I wouldn't drink at all if you're gonna drive.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Does this mean I can drink a six pack and still to register on a breathalyzer? I weigh well over 155lbs needless to say but alas never having imbibed in alcohol before I may be quite susceptible to the influence. I have had multiple friends try to turn me on to the joys of hangovers,waking up in puke and with women I'd be ashamed to admit to but I have always maintained and still do to this day that I do not need alcohol to make an ass of myself,I can do this just fine and do occasionally just to prove it :)
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Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
For whatever reason, I can't understand why some of you are making lite of this whole drinking and driving situation. Have you ever seen the results of a drunk driver to inocent people? Do you know any parents who no longer have their kids because of an intoxicated driver? Do you know any families whose lives will never be the same because of drinking and driving. For Christ's sake people. If someone came on this board and dissed the Pine Barrens, you'd be all over it like someone spit in your wife's face, but yet feel the need to make lite of a topic such as this.

With all due respect, I think I'll unsubscribe from this particular thread for my own sake.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake



Getting drunk is cool!!!


Jan 2, 2003
If you were around in 1919 and came upon the following poster...

I mean,

Wouldn't you just keep drinking?


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
For whatever reason, I can't understand why some of you are making lite of this whole drinking and driving situation. Have you ever seen the results of a drunk driver to inocent people? Do you know any parents who no longer have their kids because of an intoxicated driver? Do you know any families whose lives will never be the same because of drinking and driving. For Christ's sake people. If someone came on this board and dissed the Pine Barrens, you'd be all over it like someone spit in your wife's face, but yet feel the need to make lite of a topic such as this.

With all due respect, I think I'll unsubscribe from this particular thread for my own sake.

Do you know the definition of "intoxicated?"


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
For whatever reason, I can't understand why some of you are making lite of this whole drinking and driving situation. Have you ever seen the results of a drunk driver to inocent people? Do you know any parents who no longer have their kids because of an intoxicated driver? Do you know any families whose lives will never be the same because of drinking and driving. For Christ's sake people. If someone came on this board and dissed the Pine Barrens, you'd be all over it like someone spit in your wife's face, but yet feel the need to make lite of a topic such as this.

With all due respect, I think I'll unsubscribe from this particular thread for my own sake.

With all due respect I also know and have family that have been maimed and killed by drunk drivers.I've also had numerous family murdered by a drunk uncle (By marriage) who went on a killing spree of my aunts and grandmother when I was six years old so no I really have no use for drunks.On the other hand I have an overwhelming sense of humor and sometimes don't know when to stop and while i never see any humor in drunk driving I do occassionally find great humor in drunks.I have very little pity for them and that is a fault of mine.Having never been there I find it hard to sympathize and that is why drunk rehabilitators should have once been drunks themselves. While a total abstainer myself I'd be loathe to tell anyone they can't take a drink.I think it's like everything else.Moderation.If you can't moderate then you shouldn't have any at all.Perhpas people should need a license to drink and if they have infringed on their privilege they should have their license taken and not allowed to buy alcohol and anyone who sells it to them should be punished along with them.If you want to get drunk in your own home,fine.If you beat your wife up once you do you should have your license taken and your ass beaten by three strong men so you know what an ass beating feels like. I do think the swig from the breathalyzer was funny but after the laugh the cops should have thrashed him but then again this is America.He should have had a fair trial before a sound public thrashing.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
Please! tell me! What is the definition of intoxicated?

"To stupefy or excite by the action of a chemical substance such as alcohol."

That's one textbook definition. I will admit that one drink sometimes excites me, but I will resist the suggestion that one drink leaves me stupefied. Although there was that experience with a tumbler of Everclear when I was seventeen. Then there's the MADD definition:

"To have passed near, or thought about passing near, an establishment that sells alcoholic beverages."



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I do think the swig from the breathalyzer was funny but after the laugh the cops should have thrashed him but then again this is America.

It sounded like they were speaking some Slavic language to me in that clip, but it was kind of hard to tell. I've heard that drinking is a major problem in Russia, much more so than here. So maybe the cops went back to the car, brought back a bottle of vodka and passed it around. :guinness:


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
More so the here? Is this possible? It has occurred to me that I know of no culture or ethnic group that does not have an alcoholic drink associated with it.For the russinas it is vodka,the french,wine,italians vino (same thing) english ale,german beer.puerto rican rum.mexican tequila,japanese saki.Some indian tribes had no alcohol till we brought it but even the apache made tiswin.We are a race of drunkards.Noah was apparently a drunkard but he built a boat and saved the human race.I guess alcohol has advanced human civilization after all or maybe we have survived in spite of it.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I had an Irish friend who was upset about St. Patrick's Day. He said there weren't any other ethnic groups that had a holiday to glorify their bad stereotype .:D
Apr 6, 2004
For whatever reason, I can't understand why some of you are making lite of this whole drinking and driving situation. Have you ever seen the results of a drunk driver to inocent people? Do you know any parents who no longer have their kids because of an intoxicated driver? Do you know any families whose lives will never be the same because of drinking and driving. For Christ's sake people. If someone came on this board and dissed the Pine Barrens, you'd be all over it like someone spit in your wife's face, but yet feel the need to make lite of a topic such as this.

With all due respect, I think I'll unsubscribe from this particular thread for my own sake.

I don't think drunk driving is funny. Nor do I think its funny when innocent people are hurt or killed by drunk drivers. If, on the other hand, Nascar implemented a policy where drivers had to perform under the influence, I might watch it.