Beer (again)


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area

You know that I like my Miller High Life. To my tastes, it is smooth and mellow, but with enough body to be considered "beer". And though your motto is "life is too short to drink cheap beer", I like it despite the low price.

I was in the Liquor Store in Whiting yesterday, as I wanted something similar, but with a bit more body. They had so many brands in there it was confusing. They must have had 90 different beers, from Denmark to Erie Pennsylvannia.

Do you have an opinion for something I can try that is smooth and mellow, with good body, with no bite or unreasonable dark color? I also am not looking for something they dump spices into to make some sort of silly "holiday", or "seasonal" blend.

I ended up buying Bud in the longnecks cause I remember in the old days of my youth that after drinking one I had the tendancy to say to myself..."you know, this is pretty good beer".
Apr 6, 2004
Thanks for running this by me, my beer-guzzlin', swamp-stompin' brother of the Pines.

My gut instinct is to recommend a light lager made by quality microbrewery. Otter Creek lager, perhaps? But let's try to narrow down what it is you're looking for. First off, what exactly do mean when you say that you don't want anything with a bite? Are you trying to avoid something too hoppy? Too sweet?

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I have a six pack of Miller High Life in my fridge.

Why don't you see if you can find some Pabst Blue Ribbon. It's similar to Bud, but - in my opinion - far better tasting.

There's also Blue Moon, which is currently one of my favorite beers. It does taste like orange and coriander like many other Belgian beers do, but they're not obnoxious or overpowering like many other beers are.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Thanks for running this by me, my beer-guzzlin', swamp-stompin' brother of the Pines.

My gut instinct is to recommend a light lager made by quality microbrewery. Otter Creek lager, perhaps? But let's try to narrow down what it is you're looking for. First off, what exactly do mean when you say that you don't want anything with a bite? Are you trying to avoid something too hoppy? Too sweet?

Both! Not too hoppy (if hoppy is the bite) nor too sweet like a honey beer. What is that honey brew in the yellow/tan six pack carton? I used to drink a lot of that, but I'm not looking for a sweet beer.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I have a six pack of Miller High Life in my fridge.

Why don't you see if you can find some Pabst Blue Ribbon. It's similar to Bud, but - in my opinion - far better tasting.

There's also Blue Moon, which is currently one of my favorite beers. It does taste like orange and coriander like many other Belgian beers do, but they're not obnoxious or overpowering like many other beers are.

I had blue moon, but did not care for the "non-beer" taste. I should try some Pabst.
Apr 6, 2004
Bob, I suggest you try a micro lager. Otter Creek Vermont Lager might suit you well, so give it a try if you see it. Brooklyn Lager might sit well with you also. Then again, both of these might have too much of a bite for you. They are crisp and moderate beers, though!

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
There's a time and a place for those fancy city slicker beers, but when you're dreamin of the pines there's nothing like a quality inexpensive ol' time beer like PBR or High Life.


Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
Miller High Life was my father's beer of choice for a long time. I like it in the longneck with the lady on the bottle. How about Heineken Bob? Red Stripe, Amstel Light?

What did you think of that Stella I gave you a while back?
Apr 6, 2004
Ben said:
There's a time and a place for those fancy city slicker beers, but when you're dreamin of the pines there's nothing like a quality inexpensive ol' time beer like PBR or High Life.

You, my friend, are a funny man! :)


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Miller High Life was my father's beer of choice for a long time. I like it in the longneck with the lady on the bottle. How about Heineken Bob? Red Stripe, Amstel Light?

What did you think of that Stella I gave you a while back?

Heiny's taste a little green to me, and it isn't the bottle. Its like, I don't know....too strong. But, give me a warm summer evening in the woods in my truck, a lady at my side, and time to burn, and cold hiney go's well!

I remember you giving me that Tom, but I forget the taste. That was awhile ago--the big trip?

I'm going to try pabst and Otter Creek (as long as the otter didn't go in the creek). Right now I'm doing a cold bud, and it ain't bad, but not as smooth as the miller (yes, with the lady on the bottle--she's wearing a nice red bavarian dress).

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
For those of you that like Blue Moon you really have to try Hoegaarden. It's much better.


Well, it's a different style of beer. You drink Hoegaarden with a lemon. You drink Blue Moon with an orange. :eng101:

Blue Moon reminds me of a weaker version of Vuuve. It's hard to find - a place by my office had it for a while. The orange in Vuuve is much, much stronger than in Blue Moon.

I saw that at the liquor store. It's intriguing, but it has orange, so it caused me to pass it up. Still, it does look interesting--the white beer.

Back in 2000 I visited Berlin for a week. While I was there, a co-worker took me to some club in the former East Berlin, where we drank witbiers. (White Beers.) It was incredible, and I have yet to find one that comes close.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I think you would love the beer my kid drinks at school.
It's Lions Head Beer, made in Wilkes Barre. Clean and crisp.
$10.00 +/- a case and you can't beat it with a stick.
Here is a Wikipedia entry:,_Inc.
Notice what it says about Millersville U.
I will ask him to bring some home next week when he comes home for spring break. I will get it to you next time we meet.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I think you would love the beer my kid drinks at school.
It's Lions Head Beer, made in Wilkes Barre. Clean and crisp.
$10.00 +/- a case and you can't beat it with a stick.
Here is a Wikipedia entry:,_Inc.
Notice what it says about Millersville U.
I will ask him to bring some home next week when he comes home for spring break. I will get it to you next time we meet.

Okay, sounds good. By the way, I forgot. When I was about 23 or so, I got hooked on Genesee Cream Ale, in the 7 ounce bottles. I drank that for several years. Was VERY smooth.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
You all get too wrapped up in liquid that tastes like crap. Jessica gave me some Twisted Tea the other day and I almost puked. Tastes like all the beer she and my wife asked me to sample. All crap.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Beer is definitely an acquired taste. It took me a good year of forcing myself to drink it before I started liking it. Take one look at my gut and you can see that I really like it now. :(