Beer (again)


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills

And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.

I do like me a Sierra Pale Ale. Even better, IMNSHO, is the celebration nale. But the Bigfoot Barleywine takes the cake.

Financed a six pack of the Barleywine tonight.
No money down and no payments for 6 months!

Jumpin' Jehoosefed! That's some good ass beer.
9.2% on the alcohol Richter Scale is an added bonus.
It's an ale that drinks like a meal. Had to follow with a New Dog Town to thin things out.
Thanks again Gabe for taking food out of my family's mouth just to support the old man's beer habit!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Financed a six pack of the Barleywine tonight.
No money down and no payments for 6 months!

Jumpin' Jehoosefed! That's some good ass beer.
9.2% on the alcohol Richter Scale is an added bonus.
It's an ale that drinks like a meal. Had to follow with a New Dog Town to thin things out.
Thanks again Gabe for taking food out of my family's mouth just to support the old man's beer habit!

To thin things out! I do that too. There are some 6% beers I just can't drink two of.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
A quote from Daniel Turdo of New Milford NJ on the beer advocate site:

"Drink what you like, but never turn down the opportunity to try a beer that's never crossed your lips. The worst that could happen is you find it repulsive, and spew it forth in someone or something's general direction".



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I'm glad you are a hoppy man Gabe.

This thread started with Miller High Life, my beer of choice in the summer. Here are some quotes from the Beer Advocate. Live and let live in this economy.


Probably one of the easiest American macros to drink.

It ain't called the Champagne of Beer for nothing. I am usually a beer snob but this cheap beer is pretty good.

It's not a beer that is going to wow anybody or make someone tell all of their friends about it. But, if you are short on cash and need some beer, this by far the best bet for your money.

The bottle design is legendary, and when you have a High Life in your hand at a college party, you feel classy, even though you have spent very little money.

I will always have a special place in my life for the High Life, and frequently drink even when I have more expensive, "better" options to choose from.

I am convinced that my Dad and Uncles were right about this beer. Unlike Pop's favorite, Hamm's, High Life ranks right up there with good, clean drinkable beer. It is a fine example of taste, price, look, mouthfeel and it has no lingering effects of YUCK afterwards. For the price, drink the crap out of this.

There's something about Miller High Life bottles and PBR cans that get me all nostalgic n' junk; like I have a connection to these beers that dates back to well before I could drink beer because pops and my uncles were never without one. They're by no means my beer of choice these days, but every once and a while I catch myself reaching for one.

Not a great beer, but a great beer to have around if you want something that's not offensive and something you can drink a ton of if you keep it coming ice cold.

Drinkability is outstanding, as I could probably drink 10 of these in a night if I wanted to.

Drinkability- This beer is extremely light and goes down easy. Well suited for casual drinking games with a group because it doesn't fill you up.

While I rarely imbibe with this any more, I will have to say it is a guilty pleasure when it comes to beers. This beer started it all for me and will always have a corner spot reserved in my brain. If I ever have to go the route of macro beer, this is it. High quality macro swill that won't make you feel like you just drank a quart of toxic waste.

I personally have a soft spot for high life; it has more flavor than some other, more expensive macro lagers and it is very easy to drink way too many of these.

Great beer to bring to a tailgate, when you are tired of seeing Bud.

I knocked back a sixer of these and enjoyed them just fine

this beer is pretty drinkable on a hot day (from bobpbx: no, it is VERY drinkable on a hot day sonny boy)

Also great for playing beer pong with.

Has an easy drinking feel which makes it quite easy to enjoy multiples in one sitting

I had this one with some big chicken wings at the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, and man did this beer pair perfectly with those wings, i could easily drink alot of these with ease. Quite enjoyable. Stop the bashing, its good for what it is, and at 1.50$ a beer, a price ill never see at a restaurant in Canada, this was great! Highly Recommended!

It's an old-timey drink for sure, and you can't drink it expecting a work of art, just a decent tasting cheap beer.

When it comes to macro brew beers, Miller High life is the best. What better way to end a hard day at work than by cracking open a bottle of High Life.

I guess every Beer Advocate, and regular drinker has a soft spot for their favorite macros. This is one of my favorites. Nothing wrong with grabbing some High Life at any time.
Apr 6, 2004

Remember when my sig line read, "Life is too short to drink cheap beer"?

I still live by that. I simply drink much less beer now that I'm dirt poor. But tonite I celebrate with a Sierra Nevada Torpedo and a Bigfoot. :guinness:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area

Remember when my sig line read, "Life is too short to drink cheap beer"?

I still live by that. I simply drink much less beer now that I'm dirt poor. But tonite I celebrate with a Sierra Nevada Torpedo and a Bigfoot. :guinness:

While the baby wears a wet diaper and has a red rash! You cheap SOB!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I just had to join the fray with last nights local taste, sound, and composition. I went to bed feeling woozy from this stuff.:D

:guinness: Extra points if you can tell me something about the album.




Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Guy, I told you to stay away from the hard stuff!

I don't know the album without googling it, so I won't do that and see if someone else can figure it out.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
I drink it every morning. Once I stopped for a few months and ended up with a kidney stone. The PBX shirt is a nice touch. Does the album have a N.J. connection?