Beer (again)


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Can you take another picture with the bottle rotated about 180 degrees?

Hmmmm. How about Stoudt's Scarlet Lady Ale?

Had that stuff over the weekend. Used to drink tons of it when I lived in PA. Wish they had a better selection of Stoudts around here. I miss their Stoudts Fest beer. Now that I have a new mortgage, Ive been doing a lot more Blue Ribbons.
Not exactly beer...

Ever hear of "Opie Deydocks"? It's an old Piney mixed drink named after :

"A.- An old glass blower"
"B.- An old patent medicine"

Whisky and Root Beer!

Old heads used to drink it on occasion. From somewhere before 1920s. I always felt it was "B" as that was supposed to be a derivative of "roots and herbs". Might have had excessive alcohol content. (Most snake oil did!) Also heard various renditions ;"Opie Dildock", "Oby Daydock".

Beats turpintine, I guess. Nothin' like a good wormin', now that spring's here!:dance:


New Member
Apr 16, 2009
Gloucester County, NJ
Beer Lover here...

Hey all, this is my first post on the forums. I've been a beer nut for about 10 years. I collect bottles and rarely buy the same thing twice (except for my favorites and the really good stuff). I'm currently on vacation for the week in Wildwood Crest and just killed a BIG corked bottle of Chimay Premiere (red) and a BIG corked bottle of Quatre Centieme Ale by Uniboue. I prefer the stronger darker imported beers of Europe and of course the Belgian Trappist ales. I'll post some pics from my beer purchases if I find the time. I usually photograph all of the beers that I buy when I make a big purchase.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Hey all, this is my first post on the forums. I've been a beer nut for about 10 years. I collect bottles and rarely buy the same thing twice (except for my favorites and the really good stuff). I'm currently on vacation for the week in Wildwood Crest and just killed a BIG corked bottle of Chimay Premiere (red) and a BIG corked bottle of Quatre Centieme Ale by Uniboue. I prefer the stronger darker imported beers of Europe and of course the Belgian Trappist ales. I'll post some pics from my beer purchases if I find the time. I usually photograph all of the beers that I buy when I make a big purchase.

I've noticed that I too lean toward the European brews over the American microbrews (that is when I want something more substantial than the American $5 dollar six packs).

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
You need to take a trip up to Bethlehem Pa. and go to the Brew works, a micro brewery ,it is excellent ! I know it is not European Beer but you won't be disappointed. It is right down the street from the Hotel, very nice atmosphere to. " Try it you'll like it "
Oct 25, 2006
I just received a UPS delivery, and the Wife bought 3 of these T-Shirts for me from a mail order house to wear on my Pine Barrens outings this Summer.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Has anyone here tried brewing using Mr. Beer? newbie here by the way. Thanks guys!

I just can't do it. The plastic turns me right off. Also, if my math is correct the economical starter pack, at $34.99, means $10 a six pack. I can get a lot of good beer in glass bottles for that.