Beer (again)


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Was lucky enough to see the Grateful Dead there when Phil sang the first "Unbroken Chain" played live. Great show.. didnt know they were closing.


Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
I'd pay good money to see that!
Maybe we could stuff the two remaining Beatles in there too before it is detonated.

Hasn't Paul suffered enough already??:rofl:

Scott I honestly think you would dig some of the country oriented Dead tunes such as Johnny Cash's Big River, Cumberland Blues etc. As soon as I thought about the building going up I immediately thought of you suggesting to do it during a Dead show. But why the Beatles??


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Pure torture. I didn't make it past the first 20 seconds.
It made me punch my monitor and scream "Get a job you long haired, dope smoking, overweight POS!!"

Whats good music to you?? Im huge on older country, but the Grateful Dead IMO were one of the greatest bands of all time. Fans werent just acid eating hippies.. how bout all the lawyers, doctors, bussiness men, and other professionals who loved the Dead. Lets hear some of your favs. To add to some other country songs the Dead played/covered, how about El Paso, Mexacali Blues, Me and My Uncle, Sing Me Back Home, On the Road Again, Wabash Cannonball, You Win Again, and many others. They covered Hank, Buck Owens, Merle, Cash, and tons of other country buffs.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Whats good music to you?? Im huge on older country, but the Grateful Dead IMO were one of the greatest bands of all time. Fans werent just acid eating hippies.. how bout all the lawyers, doctors, bussiness men, and other professionals who loved the Dead. Lets hear some of your favs. To add to some other country songs the Dead played/covered, how about El Paso, Mexacali Blues, Me and My Uncle, Sing Me Back Home, On the Road Again, Wabash Cannonball, You Win Again, and many others. They covered Hank, Buck Owens, Merle, Cash, and tons of other country buffs.

I really can't put my finger on why I dislike the Dead so much Piney Mike.
I suppose they are too mellow for me and in my mind, they portray an image of lazy and shiftless people that refuse to grow up.
The doctor and lawyer type fans are just posers who wish they could lead the lifestyle of a turd.
I am sorry but that's the way my mind works.

As for what I like?
Just about any old country like Merle Haggard, George Jones, and Johnny Cash and a few newer artists that emulate that sound like Jamey Johnson and Hank III.
The cd box in my truck contains all of the above and I listen to the Sirius Outlaw Country station which really has good mix of music that you won't ever here on conventional radio.
Apr 6, 2004
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'."

-Bob Newhart
Apr 6, 2004
bobpbx said:
Wild party! How many did you have over you hick!?

I'm just a mullet-wearing, country music lovin' hick. I can't count that high.



Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
I really can't put my finger on why I dislike the Dead so much Piney Mike.
I suppose they are too mellow for me and in my mind, they portray an image of lazy and shiftless people that refuse to grow up.
The doctor and lawyer type fans are just posers who wish they could lead the lifestyle of a turd.
I am sorry but that's the way my mind works.

As for what I like?
Just about any old country like Merle Haggard, George Jones, and Johnny Cash and a few newer artists that emulate that sound like Jamey Johnson and Hank III.
The cd box in my truck contains all of the above and I listen to the Sirius Outlaw Country station which really has good mix of music that you won't ever here on conventional radio.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I love everyone you mentioned. Ive seen Merle, George, Willie, etc live and really only listen to the older guys (even though Im 29). Funny you mention Hank III because he's one of the few younger artists I actually enjoy. Shooter has some decent songs too for a young buck and a pretty good show on Outlaw . Outlaws my go to station, as well as Willies Place and the Dead channel. The Dead were actually one of the bands to turn me on to country tunes, as well as Gram Parsons and the Flying Burrito Brothers and the Black Crowes (who always throw in some old country covers at shows). To stick to the topic.. all of these are GREAT drinking bands.


Mar 12, 2008
Hammonton, NJ.
Speaking of Beer

On the last kayak trip I made, I was supposed to bring some beer and forgot (I but, I made it along and all of a sudden I see to my right, in the weeds an unopened can of beer still stuck in the six pack holder. Now I don't go around eating garbage, but this was beer. In the river still no less. I checked the date on this discarded Miller Light (I know, I know, but I was in the middle of nowhere) and it said april 16th. Good enough for me, I drank it, wasn't too bad, and about 20 minutes later found another one with the same date on it. Two free beers from the river gods. And I cleaned up three things that would have otherwise been litter in the river.
