My wife hates Grylls because he's an exhibitionist (nudist) and always doing unecessary stunts that have nothing to do with survival.I agree with her.She also hates that British accent.I disagree with her.I like the accent,though i prefer Scottish.
Man Woman Wild we both think is okay but when Ruth's husband made her drink his pee well that about turned me against that show too.There is no survival value at all in drinking pee.Pee is poison,thats why our bodies get rid of it.Distilled pee would be good water but drinking straight pee is like drinking ocean water.It will make you sick and eventually kill you.
We used to like Stroud and still do like his older shows but now he has gotten into visiting tribes and participating in voodoo rituals and what not and has nothing to do with survival anymore.He is now an Anthropologist instead of a Survivalist.He does play a mean harmonica though

Cody and Dave are still tops.What I still would like most to see is instead of a show all about how to survive until you can manage to get out of the terrifying wilderness and back to blessed Syphilisation is why not a movie sety up in a particular environment where a couple or a small tribe actually survive for a year and by the end of that year are doing it comfortably?I'm not talking about that trash show Survivor,I mean a real tribe living primitive style.No steel,no plastic,no glass.I don't think anyone can survive primitive comfortably by themselves but a family unit could do it.They could actually demonstrate the skills necessary to a point where a person could actually learn it.As many times as I've seen the hand drill and bow drill demonstrated on these shows no one could ever learn them from the quick demonstration they give and who carries a car battery strapped to their body besides Cody?