Camera Shopping


Dec 7, 2008
So 4 months later... I ended up getting a Nikon D90 with 18-70mm and 70-300mm lenses. Overall, I could get more for my buck with Nikon than the Canon line up. Thanks for all your advice. I look forward to sharing some of the results with all of you.


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Congratulations on the new camera! I keep hearing good things about the D90 (I have a D80).

Funny because about an hour ago a friend just showed me his brand new D5000. It is very cool also - especially the live view on the LCD screen. :)
Oct 25, 2006
Concerning sales tax, whatever happened to Capitalism and getting the best deal, whether in Delaware if it is Dupont or not, there are three other States in the USA that have no sales tax.

I thought it was about getting the best deal. All the Corporations that are in Delaware even though they may be situated somewhere else get big breaks, if an individual files for Bankruptcy, they as far as i know have no where to protect their assets, corporations once again have four States to put their assets where they cannot be touched.

The bad part of this is that the tax States have gotten the Supreme Court to back them up on Sales Tax collection even though an item is purchased in another State that has no sales tax. What a farce.

The sales tax will be going up in Phila to 8%, imagine purchasing a new vehicle for $30,000 and paying $2400 tax on it, that $2400 could buy a new washer, dryer, and fridge, that would keep American jobs, the States just do not get it.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The sales tax will be going up in Phila to 8%, imagine purchasing a new vehicle for $30,000 and paying $2400 tax on it, that $2400 could buy a new washer, dryer, and fridge, that would keep American jobs, the States just do not get it.


Wow Jim, you have become quite the economist! :dance:

Oct 25, 2006
Wow Jim, you have become quite the economist! :dance:


I had a flashback to when i attended Business School in 1968. 1968:eng101:

Imagine, i majored in Computer Programming, Cobol i think the language was. It stands for Common Oriented Business Language.



Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I hate sales tax just like everyone else, but I don't think it's quite so simple anymore. If you buy something from out of state instead of at a local store then it's like giving the out-of-state business a 7% price advantage. Margins are getting pretty thin in the retail world these days and that's a huge gap.

I'm not really standing on a soapbox or anything, but keep that in mind the next time you drive past a local mall with a bunch of empty stores...
Oct 25, 2006
I hate sales tax just like everyone else, but I don't think it's quite so simple anymore. If you buy something from out of state instead of at a local store then it's like giving the out-of-state business a 7% price advantage. Margins are getting pretty thin in the retail world these days and that's a huge gap.

I'm not really standing on a soapbox or anything, but keep that in mind the next time you drive past a local mall with a bunch of empty stores...

The economy must not be that bad, they are now building a Lowe's with a multitude of smaller outlet stores at Aramingo Ave. and Wheatsheaf Lane, i IMHO think that alot of empty stores are closing in N.J. and PA. especially in the Delaware Valley Region, and i detest the word Delaware Valley, is because the Delaware State Line is only 27 miles from my home.

I'll spend the gas money to shop there first, then it gives me an excuse to hop over the Delaware Memorial Bridge to take Rt.40 out to the Pines.

It is all about price and good old American jobs in this economy.

The amount of N.J and PA. tags just over the Delaware line shopping there outnumbers the Delaware residents, cigarettes as an example are in the 50's in PA. with an added sales tax, in the 60's with an added sales tax in N.J., in Delaware there are around $35.00 to $45.00 with no added sales tax. Why ?



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
i IMHO think that alot of empty stores are closing in N.J. and P.A. especially in the Delaware Valley Region, and i detest the word Delaware Valley, is because the Delaware State Line is only 27 miles from my home.

That could be a factor of course, but something bigger is going on. Read the Wall Street Journal and you will see that the retail world has gotten really ugly. Whenever possible I like to buy from local stores. They hire my neighbors and pay taxes in my area. Call me old fashioned....


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
So 4 months later... I ended up getting a Nikon D90 with 18-70mm and 70-300mm lenses. Overall, I could get more for my buck with Nikon than the Canon line up. Thanks for all your advice. I look forward to sharing some of the results with all of you.

Welcome to the dark side :) I have the D200 and D300, I am sure you will be very happy with your purchase.

As far as sales tax, buy what you can, as soon as you can, VAT is creeping over the horizon :jd:
Oct 25, 2006
Welcome to the dark side :) I have the D200 and D300, I am sure you will be very happy with your purchase.

As far as sales tax, buy what you can, as soon as you can, VAT is creeping over the horizon :jd:

Now on the other hand, the advantage of buying in N.J., my friend George and his cousin who has a Biermeister buy a half a keg of Coors Light once a week, no they do not buy it in PA., they go to a liquor store in Cherry Hill to purchase it, in PA. the half keg is $100, at the store in Cherry Hill it is $65. I won't comment on their choice of Beers though, to each their own.

The irony of this is that the PA. Liquor Control Board has undercover agents spying and taking tags of drivers from Pa. buying cheaper Liquor and Beer at the Booze outlets in N.J., they then have agents waiting on the PA. side waiting for the cars to return to Pa. stopping them, confiscating their wares and fining the people. Talk about Fascism at it's best, no best deal for the working guy again.

Secondly, gas is cheaper in N.J., and they also pump the gas for you, in PA. it is self serve and about 25 cents higher, on a cold Winter day i will pay the $2.00 to go over the Tacony Palmyra Bridge to fill er up, i also do not have to smell the fumes, i time my fill ups to buy in N.J especially when i am going to the Pines, more trips that i can make. No agents from Pa. waiting and taking tags from Pa. drivers who fill up in N.J. though.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Haha... isn't it about time you moved out of Pennsyltucky and join the party here in the Garden State Jimbo? :dance:

Canals Liquors has some big billboards just across the bridges that say something like "Cheap booze, and plenty of it". Now that's class!
Oct 25, 2006
Haha... isn't it about time you moved out of Pennsyltucky and join the party here in the Garden State Jimbo? :dance:

Canals Liquors has some big billboards just across the bridges that say something like "Cheap booze, and plenty of it". Now that's class!

I always wanted to live in Tuckerton, New Gretna, or the Villas on the Delaware Bay side especially when i had my boat for the fishing side of things.

Back in the 70's Tabernacle was my choice of places to abide, my friend who i visit frequently after a long day of exploring in the Pines had his house built there, personally though i was shocked when he showed me his tax bill, $6200 a year, i could not imagine me signing a check like that.

He ironically will never realize the American dream, he stated that he can never retire, he is 59 now, his mortgage was paid off in 1990, has been working for 40 years, how do they expect a person who is retired or disabled, a senior citizen on a limited income, or who lost their job to continue paying that kind of tax.

Persons in my opinion who have paid off their house, have no kids in school, or especially are seniors, disabled, should be exempt. The only way a property tax shoud be assessed again also in my opinion are the ones who buy another house, imagine becomming a senior paying a mortgage for 30 years getting your house taken from you because of property taxes, but in reality the powers that have created this situation because it keeps the housing market in constant flux, it is a big part of the economy.



Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well you echo a common theme heard in NJ, especially with the current budget crisis and looming elections. But I can provide an interesting parallel FWIW. I am also 59, with a birthday fast approaching. My home is paid off. I am very fortunate. I have a good job and it's hard for me to see retirement at the moment just because of the other mouths I have to feed (figuratively speaking).

My taxes for 3.2 acres in Medford were almost $7,000 when I moved away three years ago. Now I have 10 acres in Estell Manor. It's a smaller home but more than enough for me, and the secluded location is something you just can't find in Medford. I pay $3,300 tax.

It *can* be done, especially if you don't need to live somewhere with a fancy school system, soccer fields, expensive dams and lakes to maintain and all the other "stuff".


Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Yes indeed, read "The Soprano State" sometime. Christie Whitman did it. Steve Forbes did it and evidently wasn't paying any tax at all for his mansion until the bad PR shamed him into changing it when he had presidential aspirations.
Oct 25, 2006
My friend in Tabernacle has only 1 acre and paying $6200, he also has to pay included in the tax an $84 library tax, i thought the designation for libraries was Free Libraries.
