I do remember the hopper trick. Sneak in the opposite door, and tickle the poor unsuspecting kids butt with a stick and watch him rocket off the toilet seat. Great stuff.
I'm so old that that memory was running together with a similar dirty trick we played on a friend once. This was early 1980's, went to Vermont with a friend and my brother Matt. We stayed in a log cabin, and it had a hole in the bathroom floor right beside the john. You could see grass and daylight. Well this firend was taking his morning dump. Matt and I found a perfect stick, 6 foot long with a branch at a right angle. From outside and under the cabin we stuck it up into the hole in the floor right beside his leg. And all we heard was a really loud "holy crap" and the pounding of feet as he ran out of the bathroom. We laughed so hard we couldn't stadn up. We were rolling and laughing in pain.
My brother Chris and Matt I thought sort of befriended one of the local pinee kids. I remember a scruffy, sort of always dirty blond hair kid.
That was this kid.
"Having a "piney" ( can't believe I remember his name: matthew) join us for a canoe trip in the lake and watching, amazed, as he dove headfirst into the muck and came up with a turtle."
Mike was the counselor in charge on the canoe trip. More like canoe ride around the lake. I remember him being worried that he really shouldn't have let the kid come out on the canoes with us. Probably against camp policies.
He looked like this kid:

I remember in 74 we went on a water hike. Started at clearwater and was going to end back at camp. Jumped in and made it about 100 yards before me and 2 other kids went under water (hit a deep spot in the creek). I got and refused to go back in. The other 2 boys joined me. So one of the counselors walked us cross country through the woods. Basically followed the creek on land. When we got to the end of the lake we proceeded to have the greatest mud fight of my life. By the time we got back we had no choice but to shower.
Wasn't everything in the messhall light green? All the bowls,cups,plates, etc.
I also seem to recall that the camp nurse was pretty hot. A brunette.