... Also, are there any good maps of the trails? google maps has some but theyre hard to print.
Hi everyoneThanks for having me...Im relatively new (well, renewed. Not roamed the pb since I was 17 or so. Now Im 41 today) to the Pine Barrens. I just had a few questions. The abandoned water tower (next to the rr tracks)on Savoy rd off rt 72 near Woodland twp. Can anyone tell me what this place wase (the wide flat field that looks like a former strip mining/sand pit). Also, are there any good maps of the trails? google maps has some but theyre hard to print.
Thanks!! I thought a sand quarry or smthn...thanks for letting me knowThe water tower on Savoy Blvd was part of the old Pioneer Smelting plant. I took a few pics in 2004 before they tore down the buildings:
Do you have them? Is that member still here? If so could you scan them?
Did you see writing on the side of the truck? I just looked again, and think you're right. I also wanted to see what it's loaded with, and what's propped against the tree on the left. It looks like an old refrigerator.
Blowup of truck lettering. Also sharpened.