Canon D60 Lense Question


Apr 4, 2011
I have been looking at entry level DSLR cameras for the past year, but I have been hesitant on making a purchase because I already had two digital cameras. My faithful Olympus Sp-350 and a new Olympus Pen have served me well. Fate, as it maybe, has opened up the opportunity for me to buy a new camera. While trying to position myself hanging of the edge of the Hainesburg Viaduct, to get a shot of the arches and the shadows in the morning sun, the Pen's strap seperated. The camera tumbled a hundred feet and shattered into the Paulinskill River. If any pieces survived, the river washed them away. I went back and forth between the Nikon D5100 and the Canon EOS T3i. I went one step further and purchased a Canon 60D. I got it for a great price, but just the chassis. I like the features of the newer Canon T3i and the Nikon, but the 60D "felt" better in my hand and had a couple features that raised its appeal. The auto focus points were one. I am new to this level of photography and my question is, for the savvy photographers and all - What is a great general purpose lens for a photographer who is just starting out? I have a budget of four to six hundred dollars.

Thanks in advance,


Apr 4, 2011
I failed to mention that most of my photographs are of landscapes, wildlife, and architecture. I am sure that is an important detail. I was interested in the Canon EF 50mm f1.4 USM but I thought I might need more zoom. I'm not sure.


Apr 4, 2011
Dogg57, we are thinking alike. The 50mm f1.4 and moderate zoom 28-135 f3.5 lenses are the two options I came up with too. I need to look outside of the Canon line and see what other companies are offering. Maybe I can get more for my money with another company. There are to many choices and I don't want to be frustrated with the camera and have it sit in on the shelf. I have to read more on the subject.


Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
Gibby, I got the 50D and love it!! It came with the 18-200. I then purchased the 70-200L series for sports work I'm doing. The first lens I got for it after I bought it was the 100-400L series for wildlife, and a 50 1.4. Just got a 15-85 which stays on the camera all the time now. I really like that lens. It's darn near "L" quality without the price of an L lens.


Apr 4, 2011
Gibby, I got the 50D and love it!! It came with the 18-200. I then purchased the 70-200L series for sports work I'm doing. The first lens I got for it after I bought it was the 100-400L series for wildlife, and a 50 1.4. Just got a 15-85 which stays on the camera all the time now. I really like that lens. It's darn near "L" quality without the price of an L lens.

Chrisr, how fast is the autofocus on the 15-85 and how smooth is the manual focus ring? Any lens creep?


Apr 4, 2011
Good luck with your findings. I just notice Canon does not include a lens hood.I would say to order a hood and don't forget a UV filter to protect that glass.B&H has this on sale till 1/07/2012.

Thanks, I wanted to buy it from a local store, but that online price is impossible to beat. I am over my budget, but not by much. I jumped right into purchasing this camera, without knowing anything and now learned that photography is about compromises. I can't wait to get the lens and go take pictures. I'm excited.


Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
Chrisr, how fast is the autofocus on the 15-85 and how smooth is the manual focus ring? Any lens creep?

Gibby, AF is fast enough for what I'm doing with it, and the focus ring is smooth. I've read reviews where they say the lens creep is horrible. Well, Canon must've fixed that, cause mine has no creep at all. If you order online, give B&H a shot, they've been terrific for me.


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
B&H is terrific... I have spent thousands there, both for myself and at work. :cool: You really should take the time to go up there in person sometime, there isn't another place like it. What really sets it apart is that they have all kinds of expensive gear on open display where you can play with it. It's HUGE, and even though it's very crowded they are incredibly efficient and the salespeople are knowledgeable and really nice.

When you pick out what you want, they punch it into a computer and within minutes it magically appears at the counter using some sort of system of baskets on a trolley. It is owned and operated by Orthodox Jews, so you do need to check the calendar on their website because they're sometimes closed on holidays you've never heard of.

Worth a trip up to New York - it's only a couple minutes from the Lincoln Tunnel and parking is free if you spend $100.


Apr 4, 2011
Chrisr and Boyd, thanks, I ordered the lens from B&H online and I actually received a phone call confirming my order because I ordered over the internet and because of the amount. I was impressed and feel that is good business. Next time I am in the city, I will try to pay them a visit. I should of went there first and checked out what I wanted in person. It would have been much easier to compare the lenses when they are all right next to each other and with my camera in hand. Instead I drove all over town and it was hit or miss to what was available. I am sure everyone has dealt with a similar situation. (The Canon red-ring L lenses sure are nice!)


Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Well, if you had gone their in person then I'll bet your wallet would be a lot thinner because it's hard to get through there without finding lots of stuff you MUST have. :D

Regionally, there are a few camera shops that I've enjoyed in the past although I haven't been to them recently. New York Camera and Video is one of them (actually in PA - go figure) - not so far from Trenton - I have bought a video camera, Nikon and lenses there in the past.

There's a place called Classic Cameras on Black Horse Pike in Runnemede which is kind of an old-fashioned store with lots of used stuff. I bought some used lenses there at good prices.

Then there are some smaller places that are nice just because they're friendly and local. There's a place called the Camera Stop on Tuckerton Rd in Medford and T&F Camera Shop on Delsea Drive in Vineland. Was browsing at T&F a couple years ago and they had several used old "classic" black Nikon F bodies that were pretty cheap. I was so tempted to buy one of those, because I always wanted one back in the 60's but it was WAY too expensive for a high school kid. But what would I do with a film camera body today? I already have a couple ancient Nikkormat bodies. :)


Apr 4, 2011
Thanks for the recommendations. I prefer to do business with ma and pa stores, you can't beat the service and interaction. As for old cameras, somewhere, packed away in the attic, is a Canon AE-1, with five or six lenses and an early 60's instant camera, both were my father's.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
My father collected old cameras. On business trips he would visit all the local camera stores and junk shops looking for cheap broken stuff, then tinker with it back home. I have a whole trunk full of this stuff that I inherited, some of them are really old. There are Leica's, Rollei's, Contax'es, Minnox'es and a couple of the old Speed Graphics like reporters use in old movies from the 1930's. This little Zeiss Icon is one of my favorites, it folds up small enough to fit in your pocket. :)



Apr 4, 2011
Very nice Zeiss folder! I like it. Carl Zeiss and the Ikon are timeless. I saw a Zeiss Super Ikonta C for sale in a second hand shop in Chestnut Hill and didn't realize that its price tag of forty dollars was a good deal. I went back a day later and it was gone. I wanted it just to have and admire.