Cape May County Explorations


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Does Cypress appear dark red on IR satellite images like cedar?
I've not heard that before in regards to the cedar. I'd like to see an example. Does one of Boyds IR maps show that?

Edit, I found it on Boyd's. Yes, it does work. I suppose I never pay attention do it because I can tell by the darker green and habitat on most normal aerials. But, yes, that is possibly a very reliable way to pinpoint cedar. I'll bet it shows red cedar as red too though.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
The most shocking thing I found in Cape May Township was noted on my first visit. There is a parking lot for people off Bayshore road. This lot goes all the way back to the bay, but I could go no further than 80 feet before I hit a 4 acre wall of Blackberry 6 to 7 feet tall. This is no ordinary blackberry, oh no. This is what most people call Himalayan Blackberry; Rubus armeniacus. The only friends of this blackberry are multiflora rose and virginia creeper.

It is impenatrable, and ending up on the serious invasive list very quickly. I could not even try to wack through it, simply cannot be done. The Feds cut some out this winter as part of their standard practice of opening things up every 10 or 15 years (my guess). Whoever did the work bulldozed a road through the right side of it, but the primocanes are popping up like weeds and I'm betting the road will be completely blocked by September. Here are som photos.



In this photo, the camera is at eye level. I will not challenge this bramble.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Here's a couple serious-minded trees along a freshwater creek just 300 yards from the salt marsh. I'll let you give them an ID.


The other side of the one above.

This tree was even larger. That trunk in the rear belongs to it too.
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