That is way cool Bill. No kidding.
I also heard a construction vehicle backing up as well as distant traffic. What time was it?
I couldn't hear the trucks backing up while in the field, but the mics picked them up. My location was a wildlife management area between Dividing Creek and Laurel Lake, and there are some sand plants in operation in the vicinity. The coyote was recorded at 2:45am.
Unless I bury myself deep in Wharton or the likes, I can't get away from the background noises.
Headphones reveal many subtleties, if anyone wants to give that a try.
In response to Grendel's equipment inquiry, I'm using a flash recorder manufactured by Fostex, model FR2-LE, which is a recent upgrade from a Microtrack recorder I've used previously. The nice thing about this particular recorder is that I can set it for high sound gains and get hardly any hiss (which was a problem with the Microtrack). It's better for quiet sounds. Two omni-directional mics are used, AT 3032s, which are perfect for what I want, and were reasonably priced. Sadly, the manufacturer just discontinued this model, so I hope mine last a long time.
Thanks, Guy, for posting the mp3.