Digital SLR Questions


New Member
Sep 5, 2015
elmer nj
I used to have a canon 30d which i just broke and bought a used in excellent condition canon 5d classic from KEH for $500. For macro you can buy very good digital lenses from sigma. I think I read recently that you can buy an adapter to use nikon lenses on a canon, but likely with only manual use. If you are doing general landscape, native and flower pics, you really don't need auto focus and often with the little point and shoots the autofocus is maddeningly difficult to get to focus on what you want! :) If you learn a few basics about where the best image qualities are for closeup or macro and other things, you won't need any auto settings like 'macro' or 'closeup'; general rules of thumb remembered will be all you will need


New Member
Sep 5, 2015
elmer nj
Ty! Yes born in cortland, lived in lisle. Then later lived in Utica area and moved to north then south jersey. Looked up sterling and a bit north of conquest which was a cool spot for orchids. I'm on and my username is cnycharles so I keep that
I have a ton of orchid and native orchid pictures on slippertalk in the photos forums under that username
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I like your analysis on manual focus with point and shoots..."with the little point and shoots the autofocus is maddeningly difficult to get to focus on what you want!" I agree! A lot of times I just wing it. I am very inept with all the features on today's cameras. I don't even try that much anymore, just point and shoot. If I still have it in macro, fine, if not, my fault. Most of the times I'm deep in a swamp or savanna, hot and sweaty and not really interested in setup. This just happened to still be in macro mode yesterday. A Biden's, which are coming out now.

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