Dirt bikes!


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
.As for maybe blocking a road,did you ever think the riders might be coming down that road?


In Ed's defense, if they were going to come down the road, why could they not nicely say so, and then Ed could make a decision to wait or move on? In any event, I enjoy seeing them there and have no problems with it.


Bob is correct since we encountered the person who was making the trail for a coming race. And for the most part I see nothing wrong with that as long as they use common sense on where to place it. This individual proved to us that after realizing an area that he thought was dry later filled with water, he altered the route to avoid it.



Mar 9, 2007
Our members go out of their way to be cordual to others that use the forest roads.wE GO MORE THEN HALF WAY..When the Enduro riders are passing through a section of woods,most are gone in an hour.We use the forest one day a year.Be patient.Why not park and watch.As I said before the forest belongs to all of us.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.

.And for the most part I see nothing wrong with that as long as they use common sense on where to place it. This individual proved to us that after realizing an area that he thought was dry later filled with water, he altered the route to avoid it.


That is one of the purposes of the required off-road vehicle event permit issued by the Pinelands Commission.
The permit fee collected is $5.00 per route mile and the Commissison reviews the planned course to verify that it is not passing through sensitive areas.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
That is one of the purposes of the required off-road vehicle event permit issued by the Pinelands Commission.
The permit fee collected is $5.00 per route mile and the Commissison reviews the planned course to verify that it is not passing through sensitive areas.

I volunteer to review the course for them.


Mar 9, 2007
Scott.Thanks for the input.We have to follow so many regulations to use the trails.Most of you that use the forest for what ever you do,does not have to answer to anyone.


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
Interesting story on the subject of dirt bikes. Bobbleton and I were out today in the pines and came across a freshly killed pine snake that had been hit by a illegal dirt bike. About five minutes later we saw the dirt biker and her two kids being ticketed by LE. Karma is a bitch I guess. If they followed the law a threatened snake would still be roaming the woods....unfortunately it was a female snake as well...a blow to this particular population.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Interesting story on the subject of dirt bikes. Bobbleton and I were out today in the pines and came across a freshly killed pine snake that had been hit by a illegal dirt bike. About five minutes later we saw the dirt biker and her two kids being ticketed by LE. Karma is a bitch I guess. If they followed the law a threatened snake would still be roaming the woods....unfortunately it was a female snake as well...a blow to this particular population.

not to condone or pardon illegal activity, but couldn't this pine snake have been just as easily killed by a legal vehicle. I will admit that I ran one over once. It was unavoidable. I beat myself up for quite sometime over that, but there was nothing I could do. I saw it too late to react, and I was legal. I've also seen at least a 1/2 dozen dead on the highways over the years.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery


Bob is correct since we encountered the person who was making the trail for a coming race. And for the most part I see nothing wrong with that as long as they use common sense on where to place it. This individual proved to us that after realizing an area that he thought was dry later filled with water, he altered the route to avoid it.


hey Guy, was this by any chance that trail we were on in the plains. As recall, we were trying to determine the reason behind the trail and I suggested (I think it was me) that it was a brand new enduro trail. Is that the same one or am I off on this?



Aug 12, 2005
camden county
Jeff, in many cases your correct a legal car could have done the same thing. In the particular area which is very sugar sand a legal car would really have to slow down, it would be very reckless to go faster. The person which we saw hit it was moving very quick on a dirt bike, a speed which a car would never be going. I have no problems with vehicles in the pines but this was a case of someone driving irresponsibly. A snake in this particular area should never have to worry about road mortality.....kind of ruined a good day for me.


Mar 9, 2007
dragoncjo....We have permission to use the trails for the one day of our event.We will not give out route sheets to non event riders.who would be riding the trails at their disgression.I have route sheets going back to the 40's when an Enduro was a 250 mi.event.Probably a lot of you were not born.We respected the forest and trails then as we do now.We not only ride dirt bikes,a lot of us hunt and fish.You will see us when we help clean up the Wharton State Forest.We also have a section of route 206 which we keep clean.You would be surprised at the amount of slobs that use the forest as a dumping ground.I love the forest and respect everyone that feels as I do.


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
Y-BUC- My previous post had nothing to do with the enduro's I apologize if thats the way it came out. As stated previously I have no issues with these Enduro events(see my previous posts in this thread). My recent post was from an area were the enduro didn't run at. This was a illegal dirt bike and one quad that did the damage. I understand the Eduro's history in the pines and have found them to be a respectable group. Its the mudders and quads, and illegal dirtbikes I have issue with.

As for the curly grass fern route I noticed at one of my sites that lots of dirt bike tracks were in the area.....I'm not sure if the state knows that a rare species resides in this spot and wanted to make sure the route didn't travel around through it....but I think I got to the bottom of it anyway....thanks.

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
Hello all....

It's been about a year since I visited this site. I lost my job due to the "stimuLESS package" and the reasons for it and just have not been so "web active" since returning back to work. But it's the time of the year where I like to get out in the woods and enjoy it myself and with my children.... So I figured I check in... I stumbled on this discussion

If you want to know about me, I started this thread which went from a very good discussion to a 'slag pile' or what ever someone refer to earlier in this post.


I have been involved in this sport for about 25 years, not nearly as long as Y-Buc, but a pretty long time.

I hear some of the "situations" being talked about in this thread and I will tell you these are some we have tried to address in the past, were going to do this year and will do our best to accomplish in the years to come.

Someone questioned why people are not informed about the events, either by web postings or signage...

Something we tried to do years back....

We requested to the state forest (under a completely different management structure at the time) to place nice, professional made laminated, signs up the day prior and the day of the event at any road that would 'link' into the course...

Permission denied... :mad:

Last year when I was on this site more often, I posted information about any event that I was aware on happening and where it was taking place if someone did not beat me to it... off road events, horse events.... cub scout clean ups...

This year we were informed that any advertisement of our event could not take place until all the permits were granted and the route was approved, from the 5 state reviewing agencies in Trenton, NJ DEP, Pinelands Commission, NJ State Police, all towns entered and the Wharton Forest..

That was not completed until 3 day prior to the event...

I and a few other guys took off work Monday after the event and spent most of the morning and afternoon in the woods with racks in hand and removing alot of the berms created and picking up trash around the same areas (I will tell you it was not trash left from the event, we just cleaned it up while we were there) we had a dumpster at the start so we put it to good use...

I’m hearing some complaints.... or suggestions....

I agree about the traffic on Carranzza Rd...

Next year I will see what I can do to get all parking on one side facing the same direction, if that area is used again. That area does not have any police force so it can not be request to be patrolled. The rangers, with a very thin staff were all over the place at different times assisting and monitoring as they deemed fit, as were the state troopers assigned to the event. We are not permitted to place signs on the side of the roads as far as I can remember from asking in prior years.

All I can say is that if you meet one of our thousands of members that belong either in a participation capacity, were a family member of young kids watching, most by far respect the pines as much as any of you and have a desire to see them protected as well as recreate with in them.

I myself am a true believer that all trail user can get along and share the 1.1 million acres as well as protect the sensitive areas and inhabitants.. I have worked with and organized others to help with other events within 2 state forests over the past 2 years. If you have an event, Horse, mountain bike, running or what ever where a motorcycle or horse rider can help in anyway, I urge you to contact me and if I can not help I have a network of horse riders and bikes riders that will...


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
I think the Enduros are a great addition to the legitimate users of the pinelands. The people that participate in this sport are decent, law abiding folks who really DO care about the pinelands. This group goes through more hoops for a 5 hour event, then ever. The course is checked by every state conservation agency, field checked, and re-checked.

For those people who are inconvenienced for one or 2 hours out of the whole year while the enduro riders are here, you should know that they have every bit of right to legally enjoy the pines as you.

When there are the work days, you see them here in force, loading trash, working on bridges, etc... many more of them than the hikers or hunters!

It's the off road riders that have no permits, and just come to ride with no regard to the land they are on that I have a problem with.

The riders, have no idea where they are, and yes, they may cross a road without stopping, but that's what they are told to do. The organizers man the crossroads with people to keep the riders safe.

The problem with the congestion is just sheer numbers. The Sandy Lane Enduro drew 500 riders! One ranger can not police that.

We should all welcome the Enduro riders to the pinelands and give them the same courtesy as we give any other visitor to the pinelands.


Mar 9, 2007
When I first got infolved in Enduro's we ony had to have the permission of Leeson Small caretaker of the Wharton Estate.Once the State took over when it purchased the Wharton Estate,many problems occured.We now have to answer to the Pinelands Comm. The State , The NJ Fish and Game .the NJ state Police. plus all the towns we pass thru.
We are hard pressed to have an event till the week proceeding.I give phrase to all the Trail Boss's for their dedication.We Love our Sport.I Don't appreciative some of my fellow member replies.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I Don't appreciative some of my fellow member replies.

I think the vast majority of responses have been positive for enduros. Many are unaware of the amount of work and planning that goes into such an event, much for the benefit(or status quo) of the ecology. I think the long standing tradition of the pinebarrens enduro is also unknown to many. Yourself and Medford piney have helped to clarify that for many reading this.
