bruset said:
I got my first computer - an Atari 800xl - back when I was 6. I didn't have an IBM compatable until I was 16. I started doing HTML & Websites back in 1995-1996.
I still say I should have been an electrician or something instead of going into computers.
The first computer I was exposed to I never actually saw.
It was at Drexel in 1976 and you had to keypunch your data and hand the keypunch cards over to a non-english speaking Iranian grad student.
The class was taught by a broken-english speaking Chinese professor.
The grad student would run them through the computer, which we were told was housed in another building.
You had to come back in a few hours for a printout of your results.
I hated Drexel and transferred to Rutgers in 1977 and changed my major to Natural Resource Management.
Much happier life.