Environmentalists seek to rein in ATVs amidst fears of damage to Gravelly Run


New Member
Feb 14, 2014
The one thing the article leaves out is a alterative state/county legal riding area. Theres not a lot of other activities in that part of the state for youth to move towards. No, I don't condone the riding in the area. The state tried a area in Woodbine ,but never put a real effort into it. Yeah if you take and destroy the ATVs ,maybe they will discover fentanyl and your problem will over.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I don't think stomping your feet and threatening to OD on fentanyl is a viable way to get what you want in this world.Enough people out there with real problems with that stuff, we don't need people threatening to OD and making light of it.I don't think ATV's or temper tantrums are how fantanyl problems start for the vast majority. For my niece it started out with a back operation and a doctor that fed her pain meds like candy and then took them.it ended in a bar bathroom alone in the middle of the night


New Member
Feb 14, 2014
I'm not making light of anyone's loss due to drug overdose. All I'm saying is the state promised ATV riding areas years ago. They never seriously delivered. Their answer is to just kick everyone out ie the permit system. I'm a long time offroad riding enthusiast and know what responsible land use is. Most of these irresponsible riders are short term visitors. If you can channel younger riders to designate areas with proper training everyone wins in the end. Confiscation and crushing is not the answer.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Theres not a lot of other activities in that part of the state for youth to move towards.
I spent "lake day" when I was 18 and drunk at Gravelly Run. I asked Skip Granese how fast his 1968 GTO was, and ended up watching pine trees fly by at 160 mph. In a drunken stupor I asked my date to the prom standing in the middle of a stream at Gravely Run in sneakers. I was 18 and a moron.

I could have been playing tennis (my varsity sport). Or playing baseball, or running track, or weight lifting, or playing chess, or sailing, or swimming, or training to be a lifeguard, or studying for SAT's, or rowing crew at Holy Spirit, or listening to Black Sabbath, or studying Pinelands flora and fauna, or exploring the Pine Barrens that I waited 40 years to eventually do.

There are an infinite number of healthy, wholistic, life affirming activities to engage in when you are young. Besides "4-wheeling" through the woods.

Al, I am very sad to hear about your niece. There is someone very close to us (thankfully not my son) who my wife and I are currently attempting to steer back onto the right track.
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Jul 4, 2011
They didn't have ATV's in my days in the Barrens. It was so peaceful in there. They're out here in AZ too, all over the desert kicking up dust.
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Jul 4, 2011
Sometimes in the water of the gravel pits

I don't even know where gravel pits are. I guess I never went to that part of the Barrens. When was the last time I camped out in the Pines, over 10 ago - or was it 12 or 15? I forgot - one of my trips back east - but it was as peaceful as ever that night deep in the woods...except for some weird noise i kept hearing that didn't sound like my old friend, the Jersey Devil. Probably the wind blowing something that was rubbing against something else. I didn't hear any atv's or gunshots like u might get out here in AZ, or see a sign of any people. It was just like the old days. (I moved west 26 years ago so that's when I stopped going down there)


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I don't even know where gravel pits are. I guess I never went to that part of the Barrens.

There are many more, but these bright turquoise-blue lakes really stand out. :)


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Jul 4, 2011
Thanks. Boyd. Is there a way to get the road names and town names to show up on your map because i'm not clear where i'm looking at, but I'm quite sure its an area i never went to.

Add: Never mind - got it!
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Jul 4, 2011
"As I suspect you learned......."

See, I told youse I'm smarter den I look!

Amazing maps! All I used to have was old geological survey maps, some last updated 1941 or something. Maybe the pond by Warren Grove was the place i jumped in to wash off after that biplane strafed me with bug spray. Was it there 50 years ago? I usually stayed south of Rt 72.
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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
All I used to have was old geological survey maps, some last updated 1941 or something

That's basically what my USGS 24k Legacy Topo is.

Maybe the pond by Warren Grove was the place i jumped in to wash off after that biplane strafed me with bug spray.
Was it there 50 years ago?

I think you're talking about Sim Place. Good question as to how old that is. It shows on the 1995 aerials


Also on the 1980's aerials


But all we have from the 1970's is the wetlands and tidelands imagery (which were shot as a requirement of wetlands protection legislation) and they don't go that far inland. Then there's a big gap in publicly-available imagery until the 1930's, and there is no lake shown at that time.


Interestingly, the 24k topo does not show it either. That is near the junction of four quadrangles that were all updated at different times, no doubt.



Jan 2, 2003
"As I suspect you learned......."

See, I told youse I'm smarter den I look!

Amazing maps! All I used to have was old geological survey maps, some last updated 1941 or something. Maybe the pond by Warren Grove was the place i jumped in to wash off after that biplane strafed me with bug spray. Was it there 50 years ago? I usually stayed south of Rt 72.
Yo Yo Yo Pan! Izes dint know youse was from Philly. Izes from Philly too.
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