Is it necessary to right a scolding letter to the Forest Fire Service and DEP?
Gib, I wrote one last year on behalf of the FRMC. They did come out with a woman timber rattler specialist (she was there to learn what they were doing wrong), and they got their ears chewed off. They promised action, but all they did was place very small sticks at the entrance to the firebreaks. If I were you, I'd write it. Here is the one I wrote with the critical location removed. Copy all!
We are an organization dedicated to conserving and protecting the pristine forests and streams in the unique wilderness that surrounds the Forked River Mountains in Ocean County.
During the month of February, new firelines were created in a very sensitive area in Greenwood Forest Wildlife Management Area.. This site was designated as a New Jersey Priority Site for both Timber Rattlesnakes and Northern Pine Snakes. The bounds of this site were drawn to delineate streamside hibernacula and upland forested habitat used for foraging and basking for these important species.
Several years ago, all access roads were closed to protect this area from ATV’s and poachers. Unfortunately, the firelines and the boundary roads that were opened up in February reversed all this work, leaving these endangered species distinctly vulnerable.
Before the snakes emerge from hibernation, we request that you close off these access areas. There is more than one way to do this. We are requesting that a meeting be held in the field at this site to determine the best way forward. Working together we can help ensure these species are provided the proper protection.
For the future, we encourage the Forest Fire Service to review the processes you have in place to determine in advance the likelihood of planned firelines to damage critical animal and plant habitat. With the shrinking habitat we are faced with in New Jersey, the integrity of that process is more important than ever.
We hope to hear back from you regarding a meeting in the field of all interested parties.
Lynn Fleming, State Forester
Dave Jenkins, Chief, Endangered Species Program
Robert Cartica, Office of Natural Land Management
Emile DeVito, NJCF
Theresa Lettman, PPA
Kris Schantz, ENSP
Chuck Horner, NJ Pinelands Commission